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Safe run for whippets


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I'm a new whippet owner and a new member of this forum. Although I am an experienced dog owner I've never had a whippet before. I'm loving the breed buut am concerned about safe places to let my boy have a really good run. Does anybody know of any association or clubs in the West Lothian or Central Belt area of Scotland where you can take your dog just to run for fun and socialise? Thanks in anticipation, want to do the best I can for my wee boy! Dillon
Hi if you have a look on the pedigree whippet racing you will see 3 clubs in Scotland, I have been to the one at Kincardine and they are a really friendly club that will let you trial your dog. Watch the forum as they will put up dates for when they start back after the winter. Good luck
Thanks very much - took me ages to find your reply (new to site). I will look into this. When you say trial, do you mean let them have a run and see how they get on, or is this aimed a dog owners who are training their dogs to run serious races?
Hi I am a member at Kincardine you would be more than welcome to come along and give your dog a run. You don't have to race your dog just give it a wee run and see how it goes.
Thanks very much for the information, will definately give it a go when my dog is a wee bit older.
Hi Dillon my husband and i are members of the Scottish Pedigree Whippet Racing Club we run in Alloa, we are a very friendly club.

At our Club we cater for all, whether a newbie to the Sport or anyone who wishes to become involved in the Racing Showing or Coursing circuits we have many people who are very experienced in all of these fields and who are always only to happy to help with advice.

The MAIN thing at our Club is ALL our whippets are our pets first and foremost and safety is our utmost concern at all times whether it is in racing or just trialling our dogs safety comes first.

We have a really friendly membership and everyone mucks in to help one another.

So please feel welcome to pop along anytime as you will receive a warm welcome we also have a Facebook page where you can go to find out more about our Club and members and the activities that we take part in if you Pm me your Name on facebook we will add you...

Hope to meet you someday the blue gang....x