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Sad Story About A Ginger Cat


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About 4 weeks ago a family who were travelling down the M1 stopped at services close to where I live, and (I'm not sure why) decided to let their cat out of the car. Needless to say it wouldn't come back and they couldn't find it. They returned a week later with posters and photos of their lovely ginger cat. :wub:

Earlier this week as I was coming up the motorway slip road at night, I saw a ginger cat on the grass verge. The next day a neighbour saw it asleep under a tree near where I had seen it. We went back with a bowl of food and it was there asleep under the tree. :huggles: I didn't look thin so had obviously been finding food.

The owners had said it was very friendly, so I walked toward it with the food, but it walked away into the undergrowth, so I left the food by the tree.

Yesterday morning I found it on the road (near the services) and it had been run over and killed. The food bowl was empty, so I assume it had eaten the food (although it could have been eaten by something else).

I felt so sad that it was not a happy outcome, but at least the owners know what happened to it. :(

RIP lovely ginger cat. :huggles:
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Aw Sarah, that is such a sad sad story....and at least you tried... :huggles: what a star you are, poor puss. :(

Im sure if Id been the owners, I would have been glad to know exactly where it was (so be it in a sorry state :( ) much better to know the outcome in my opinion than to never ever know where it had ended up.

Very sad indeed...RIP Poor puss.
what a stupid thing to do.let a cat out on a motorway service station,might as well give it a razor blade and say cut your own throat. :blink: poor cat :(

at least you tried to help it.sorry it was a bad outcome but a cat wouldnt stand a chance on a motorway
thats such a sad story :( poor little mite must have been frightened with all that traffic :(

my daughters fiance told me last night ,while he was coming home from newcastle to leeds he saw a kitten by the road side,i asked him why didnt he stop to get it so it was safe,he said there wasnt anywhere he could have pulled over to help it :( , think i would have found somewhere,and i do hope someone ese saw it and saved it from the road :luck: :(

Aww that's awful

What did they have the cat at the services for in the first place
AnnSa said:
Aww that's awful
What did they have the cat at the services for in the first place

They were travelling on a very long journey, so perhaps thought the cat needed a toilet stop and wrongly assumed it would stay with them I think. I didn't ask why they had let it out as I thought that would make them feel even worse for being so stupid in the first place. :- "
~Sarah~ said:
AnnSa said:
Aww that's awful
What did they have the cat at the services for in the first place

They were travelling on a very long journey, so perhaps thought the cat needed a toilet stop and wrongly assumed it would stay with them I think. I didn't ask why they had let it out as I thought that would make them feel even worse for being so stupid in the first place. :- "

They probably feel really bad enough about it... :( especially after the they wont forget now. :(
In hindsight (which is a wonderful thing) they should have sorted out a trap cage to try to catch it. I imagine as time went by it became a bit wild as it was having to fend for itself. :(
It took a week to go back. I dont think i should comment further!
kilmousk said:
It took a week to go back. I dont think i should comment further!
I don't know the full details so that information might be incorrect. I do know they live a few hours journey away from here and also have a young baby (this is information from my neighbour who met them when they returned to try to find their cat and to hand out posters).

I posted this as I felt so sad about the poor cat, but I didn't wish to be judgemental as I don't know the owners or the full facts about what happened. :(
I wouldnt let a dog out, never mind a cat.

common sense isnt so common is it
Some cats are just no good with traffic, we lost 2 beautiful black Tom cats on the roads.

Poor ginger cat, Im sure puss enjoyed his last meal :(
It's strange to see this thread just now, because a couple of weeks ago I saw a dead cat in the middle of the road. I was in a hurry and only thought "Oh the poor thing. Someone will miss him." On my way back, the body was still there and I couldn't stand to see it ignored. Seeing squirrels, raccoons, and other wildlife on tthe road makes me sad, but this really got to me. I could see, though, that other cars had avoided hitting it again. I pulled over and went to the body to move it. Just as I neared it, a passing car ran right over it. I couldn't believe it. Luckily the poor thing had been there so long the body was in rigor so the car only took a little fur off the flank. I picked it up, a beautiful big grey, and put it in the grass away from the road so its owners might find it. I gave it a little pet and said goodbye. So sad.

Many years ago, I also stopped to move a turtle that had been spun upside down by a car and I put it on the side of the road closest to the nearby lake, hoping that was the way it was headed.

But the most unusual situation I ever stopped for was a baby skunk who had decided to lick out the inside of a jam jar, and had got its head stuck! I was ready to throw an old blanket over it to try to help it, but another passerby got there first so I was able to continue on my way knowing that it was looked after.
Poor cat, he must have been so scared there. A few week ago someone phoned me at work to report a missing cat. As I was taking details it turned out that these people had decided that their cat may like a change of scenery so had bunged him in the car & driven off to a busy park about 5 miles away from home & let him out :rant: They had a cat harness for him but had never even put it onhim before & were trying to do this when he panicked.

Needless to say the poor cat legged it off under a bush & wouldn't come out. That was the last they saw of him :(

The park is right near several busy roads so it doesn't look hopeful for the poor boy.

Some people eh :angry: :angry: