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Sad Loss


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It is with much sadness i have to report the sad loss of Les Church, a founder member of Maidstone and other clubs in the south east.

A very colourfull character as all who knew him would agree would allways speak his mind please or offend made no differencebut you knew where you were with Les. He helped me so much with the grounds at Maidstone when i took over as RM and he also assisted Alf in the years before me .

He also ran the Herne Bay club for a while after Charlie Stone.

I found out at the funeral that he and Kath his wife were married for sixty one years no mean a lesson to us all .

He will be greatly missed by myself and a loss to Whippet Racing as well.

It is always sad to lose some-one who gave so much of themselves to a sport. It is up to all of us to ensure the work of these folk is continued, and that whippet racing is a thriving passtime. We will all become the characters of the future! Now theres a thought ;)