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Sad Loss


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I,m so upset, yesterday we lost are little Section A Pony Tinkerbelle

She was a brilliant little ride and drive pony, great with my kids, I,m so shocked it has happened.

Wed she fell in a ditch, we had the vet out and she was put on antibiotics and pain killers, she seemed ok Thurday morning i bathed her leg wounds and gave her medicine, then lunch time she touch a turn for the worst . The vet came back out but she died of a twisted gut.

Its Hard to understand why these things happen.

We have arranged for her to be cremated.

Its just so heart breaking
so sorry to hear about your sad new :( , its my second bad news ive heard today :(

So sorry to hear about Tinkerbelle :( , I am not surprised that this is a shock to you, can't begin to imagine what you are going through - thinking of you all :huggles: rest in peace Tinkerbelle
So sorry about your sad loss,my heart goes out to you and your family :huggles: :huggles:
Im so sorry for the loss of your dear pony, thinking of you and your family :huggles:

RIP ...Run free Tinkerbelle
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What a sad story and very upsetting for you and your family :(

[SIZE=14pt]RIP Tinkerbelle[/SIZE]
So sorry to hear about the loss off your dear little pony :( Tinkerbelle

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So sorry to hear about Tinkerbelle :( I can sincerely sympathise with you as we lost my husband's 16.2 hh ex-racer a year ago this Easter...he took a massive heart-attack and went down in his stable. :( :(

I think losing any animal is very hard but there is something really heartwrenching and hard to accept about losing a horse or pony...I think it is the sheer size of them and seeing them just lying there.

My thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

R.I.P Tinkerbelle,and gallop free.
Thats awful :( ... my thoughts are with you & your family :huggles:

So Sorry :( we lost a horse through laminitis and it was terrible

RIP Tinkerbell :huggles: :huggles:
Thank you for your kind words.

We still cannot believe its happened :(

Oh my, you poor thing. I am so sorry about this, it it a devastating thing to happen :(

I know it hurts soooo much. I kept going over and over things when I lost Furby, my 3 month old foal, in August. Wishing I'd done things differently, wondering if I could have saved him if I'd got him to the vets sooner.

Everyone said don't blame yourself, and deep down I know I couldn't have done any more than I did, but it doesn't stop me thinking about it.

It's obvious that Tinkerbelle was a special pony for you and your family and very much loved :wub:

And she had the familiarity of you being with her when she was poorly and that will have been a comfort for her.

I'm sending you and your family many hugs and sympathy :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

[SIZE=14pt]Canter Free, Tinkerbelle[/SIZE]