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Sad Day Today


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Morning started well,my youngest came outside to let the dogs have a play,we sat down watching as they ran up and down the garden,when suddenly jack the new boy we got last week ran across and decided to take a chunk out of her arm.

She is not the usual 5 year old she has been around dogs since birth and was sat on my lap at the time,so was not pestering him in anyway.4 stitches at A@E then home to have jack P.T.S (gutted)
I'm so sorry, how totally heartbreaking for all of you :( my thoughts are with you, I hope you're daughter is ok :huggles: :luck: :luck:
I am so sorry :( .......I hope your daughter is coping after the incident for Jack that really was the right decision .......Sending you all good wishes :huggles:
sorry to hear...hope your daughters ok...definitly the right choice,,there is no decision when it comes to your kids saftey
:( I am so sorry to hear this - I had to have a dog PTS for biting 20 years ago, and I can feel to this day how dreadful it was to have to put down a beautiful, healthy dog, but I know absolutely that it was the right decision. You can't risk anyone else being bitten, and you would always be worried sick just in case something else happened.

Hope your daughter recovers quickly, and it doesn't put her off your other dogs. :huggles: :luck:
Many thanks all,

she is ok but she is missing her boy,she insisted in helping feed our other dog tonight we told her no but she just came out, doesn`t seem scared by it at all.she is now on sofa with our greyhound next to her,telling her about what a naughty boy jack was.

hardy things these kids,i got bit by a friends rotty months ago and wont go near him now
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So sorry, :(

do hope you daughter and the rest of the family are ok, thinking of you all.. :huggles:
How awful for you all :(

Hard decision....but the best.....just makes you wonder why he bit her....sometimes there just isn't any answers :(
That is very sad, hope your little girl is OK. Lucky it was not her face he bit. One of my Borzois snapped at my daughter, she was so devastated when i took him away to be PTS, I had no heart to tell the truth. I told her he went away somewhere on big farm where he cannot bite children. For years she talked about going to visit him when she is older :(
Really tough time for you an your family. I also had a dog pts because he went for a child. Nothing is more heartbreaking. You love the dog, you love the child, but the child's saftey is far more important than a dog. It doesn't make the decision easy though. Thinking of you.
So glad your daughter is ok , well done you for taking such a brave step, dont stop the pain we have inside though does it , thinking of you all
I know how you feel. :( Glad to hear your daughter is doing well. She's one brave little lady. o:)
:( so sorry to read about your ordeal, hope you are all ok.
My heart goes out to you, such a difficult decision to make, but you had no alternative. Hope your little girl continues to be OK
Oh so sorry for you :( what a horrible thing to happen. :( thinking of you :huggles:
What a difficult, heartbreaking thing to have to do. I'm so sorry. Glad your daughter is standing up to it well.
:( How awful for you. Im sorry about your Jack but you did the right thing.

It would have been awful to be constantly worried in case it happened again,

especially as there seemed to be no cause. :huggles: Give your brave little girl a hug from me n Ozzy. ;)
So sorry to read what happened :(

Such a difficult decision, but the only right one to make.

Liz and the Monellis
little un is doing much better today thanks,

she asked if we had jack pts,we tried to talk around it but she shocked us and said "thats what happens to dogs that bite people,i read it on the internet". :- " :- "