LSB 2010/8/G:
Lurcher - 3/4 Saluki x 1/4 Greyhound - bitch (entire)
Feathered coat
White on chest
Fluffy ears, tail and feet. Could be coming into season
Height: 24-25 ins.
Age: 7 yrs
LSD 2011/8/G:
Lurcher - 3/4 Saluki x 1/4 Greyhound -dog (entire)
Saluki type coat
Brindling on feet
Woolly legs. Looks like a pure Saluki
Height: 27 ins.
Age: 14 months
Went missing from: Tickhill, nr. Doncaster, S. Yorks. on 28/8/04
Circumstance of loss: Dogs (LSB 2010 and 2011)took off after a hare and vanished.
Additional Info: Owner has discovered that the dogs were picked up not long after they disappeared and taken to the house of a woman who breeds dogs nearby. She kept them overnight, without notifying the Police (which would have been helpful, as the owner had reported them to the Police as missing!) and let them out into her garden for exercise the next day (29th). They promptly jumped the fence and haven't been seen since.
Lurcher - 3/4 Saluki x 1/4 Greyhound - bitch (entire)
Feathered coat
White on chest
Fluffy ears, tail and feet. Could be coming into season
Height: 24-25 ins.
Age: 7 yrs
LSD 2011/8/G:
Lurcher - 3/4 Saluki x 1/4 Greyhound -dog (entire)
Saluki type coat
Brindling on feet
Woolly legs. Looks like a pure Saluki
Height: 27 ins.
Age: 14 months
Went missing from: Tickhill, nr. Doncaster, S. Yorks. on 28/8/04
Circumstance of loss: Dogs (LSB 2010 and 2011)took off after a hare and vanished.
Additional Info: Owner has discovered that the dogs were picked up not long after they disappeared and taken to the house of a woman who breeds dogs nearby. She kept them overnight, without notifying the Police (which would have been helpful, as the owner had reported them to the Police as missing!) and let them out into her garden for exercise the next day (29th). They promptly jumped the fence and haven't been seen since.