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Running for fun!


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Hi everyone!

I have a 5 mth old whippet, called Holly, and I was wondering if anyone knew of somewhere I could take her to have a go at running on a track. At present I have no intention of racing her competitively, I would just like to see if she enjoys it!


p.s I can't figure out how to use the smiley faces! Please can someone enlighten me!
Hi again!

I am looking for a racing track / whippet club in the Birmingham area.

Hi Gemma

You could go to The Heart of England club at Tamworth or The Independent Whippet Racing Club at Worcester. I will email you privately with the secretaries numbers.

They won't let your puppy chase a lure untill she is 6 months but you havn't got long to wait :D

I am sure the people there will be happy to show you what to do and make you feel welcome and I am sure you and your puppy will enjoy it. Whippets just love to chase. :D

When you are typing a post and get to the place where you want a smiley to appear, just click on one of the smilies on the left. You won't see the smiley appear untill you press the Add Reply or Preview Post button. Instead you just see a piece of code. Leave it there and carry on typing.
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