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Ive been informed tonight that paul jennings has resigned from the bwra.

does anyone know if this is true or just a rumour?
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I was not at the said open when the dead heat was given! if this is the correct information, but what I can say is we the whippet racing fraternity, will not be happy until there are no volunteers left in our sport. If there was no photo finnish

in operation then it is up to the judges. Not the best job in the world but someone who was prepared to put his or her head on the chopping block in order that we can race. In all sports you win a few and lose a lot get used to this and enjoy watching the dogs running, after all I thought that is why we go racing, but then again there will always be the win at all costs few, who see no reason and will not listen. I only hope who ever was involved in this incident if true is willing to do what Paul has done for years.
I wasn't there when this occurance apparently happened but i have to agree with you there scotty......
Im not surpised Paul has finaly come to his sences and resigned. Which is the BWRA MEMBERS great lose. Thankyou Paul from both Ken and myself us for all your hard work over the last 17 years. Its a thankless job and you have taken more than most people would. I doubt ... ( no I know ) ... there will be no-one willing to give up as much time to the sport as you have, finding sponcers, working on the track in the freezing cold, working at an event all day while your youngest whippet sits on her own in the caravan.

I dread to think what will become of the Bwra now.

Its time to sit back Paul and enjoy some racing yourself.

That is if there is still any racing worth going to.

Thankyou again Paul :huggles:
:( yes sadly it is true Paul has resigned as chairman of the BWRA after this weekend he no longer wants to do it. I for one am hoping he changes his mind. He has always been on the commitee in the 9 years that I have raced and I personally think he has done a great job. I have no idea of anybody else who would step into his shoes. So heres hoping he changes his mind. I dont know the reasons behind this so cannot comment on that. :(
Maybe its too much booze but i'm not quite getting why he's resigned?

I've had a few phone calls tonight about the state of the lord byron, has this got anything to do with it?
Hi Vicky Im sure Paul will fill everyone in , in due course.

I cant understand how one man can be expected to pull the traps ... run up the side of the track to the finish line before the dogs get there to work the camera for a photo finish.

Where was all the help promised by reps at the AGM ?
Unfortunately yes, Mr Jennings did feel the need to make an announcement about his resignation at yesterdays meeting at Asfordby.

He did tell us the reasons and there were quite a few-it certainly wasn't solely down to the dispute over the veteran final and it would be quite unfair for the onus to be thrust upon the veteran owners involved.

I am sure Mr Jennings will make an official announcement to all members in due course.
:( im not quite sure what you mean about the state of the byron Vicky. Yes there was no photo finish etc but there was some extremely close races which the judges had to decide on, and there was two of them it must have been very hard for them. I think they did a great job. Also when I counted the number of dogs on the progranme there was approx 90 dogs competeing so like I say Im not sure what you mean about the state of the byron. :oops:
Just general musings from some of the above comments & the fact i had a phone call telling me "not to bother" i gathered there was a bit of ill feeling from various parties about various things - was there not? (not even sure what about tbh - certainly paul's name was never mentioned). I wasn't there so i apologise if i've misinterpreted some of the above comments - like i said last night "i wasn't getting why he had resigned" going off something to do with a d/h?? :wacko: which i'm presuming somehow paul has had the blame for? Surely people aren't daft enough to lay blame on a single person & it's quite obvious it takes a lot of effort to put on such a big event, no one with any sense would expect any organiser to be able to do what pauline has said was expected of one person, it's just not physically possible.
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:( It was as Steve says a build up of events. And not Pauls fault. It was one of those unfortunate things as the saying goes " the last straw broke the camels back "
With regards to the d/h's I think more people were shocked more than anything else, what with a d/h being between called Mad Mick and A Kinda Magic. Both hts of the 22lb bitch class containing d/h's for Megasaurus and Waterford, also Short Spot and Lauranna then progressing onto d/h's for the 23lb between Connors Lass and Quincy then another d/h between Fluke and Pretty Mad in the 26lb class and finally another d/h in the Veteran Final.

The lure broke at least twice in two or three classes and the pickup on the lure wasnt good enough at the start of the day and dogs went to dip (glady this was eventually sorted out and the lure ran well for the rest of the day).

Why there was no camera I do not know but I'm sure there was a reason, there was however TWO line judges so I suppose if one thought one dog won and the other judge another then there would be no choice but to call d/h. For the first time in a while we also saw a half way judge.

The turnout on the day wasn't as good as previous years when you look at it separately ...just 18dogs and 20bitches, most pup classes were solo's but there was a boom in yearling entrants making 15 runners as opposed to 2 or 3 solo's in previous years. The scratch entry was good, especially the pup no limit which saw a 4 dog race. I think there were around 20 scratch.

Entry levels were probably not as high as expected due to the fact that as well as the Lord Byron Plate running at Asfordby (4hrs drive down the country for some in the North East) there was an open weekend on at the South East Wrc only about 2 to 2 and a half hrs away. It would be nice to explore for next year the options available for taking the open weekend back to the more northerly parts on the country (Stockton has a campsite nearby and Wallsend I believe has site's nearby) so that there were not two opens held in what some would consider the more southern pasts of the "racing country" (i.e including Devon Wrc and Kirkaldy Wrc as well as Ayr etc.).
Ive just arrived back from Asforby and yes Paul has resigned I was talking to him on Saturday night after he announced it.But im not surprised after the treatment he and Chris received on Saturday But it was not only this that made his mind up. A few things that helped NO there wasnt a photo finish as Paul said to the person who complained Ive only one pair of hands i can only do one job he was on the traps. Porky wasnt there as his back is in a bad way and two other bwra committee didnt go so there was Paul to take all the backwash. And for the people who dont know Paul had a very close member of his family die on Thursday he shouldnt of even been at the event hows that for dedication.But when someone calls your wife a cheat i cant blame Paul for saying enough is enough. I for one will miss Paul as hes put 17years in to the BWRA and i think it will be very hard to fill his shoes.Thanks Paul for your dedication to All BWRA members even if some cant see it. Woody
The main problems there are today too many people moaning about "little" things - when you have two judges on the line and one gives "say red and the other blue " then there is no choice than to give a "dead-heat" It's a pity some of the BWRA members don't volunteer to judge and when you have 4 dogs going over the line and it is very close you try picking out the first dog's "nose on the line" believe you me it is far from easy (as I have done it myself) What is required here is MORE HELPERS AND LESS MOANING. Our sports is on the decline as it is already without the Committee Members/helpers getting an "earhole" bashing from people who always want to win. :oops: I was at Ashfordby at the weekend and yes there were a few dead heats - but as I've said two judges two different opinions no option - dead heat. Take today in the 40lbs scratch race the 3 dogs crossed the line together and I thought at the time how can you pick the winner from that - so the result was the 3 dogs went into the Supreme run off. That was a fair and accurate result which was made. I was not judging by the way. :p What has happened to the gamesmanship and fun racing of the early years when we came into the sport.
I hope the people involved are pleased with themselves.

Wheres all the sportsmanship gone in whippet racing.

There are too many small minded people[small minds, big mouths] who think their dog can never get beat. You see it week after week , it is nearly always the same people.

I dont know who was involved but i know one thing, Paul will take some replacing as BWRA Chairman. [thanks Paul youve done hell of a job over the years , nobody could have done it better]