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Ruby And The Feral Cats


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Since my greyhound Rosie died in April a black feral cat has been coming through my garden. She was very thin and poor and I started putting some food out for her. I also got a wormer from a vet nurse friend which I put in her food. After a couple of weeks I started to see some kittens scurrying about in the undergrowth. The were extremely shy and as soon as I opened my back door they would disappear. Mother would still appear for food I had put it out after I returned indoors. A neighbouring farmer said the cat had carried those kittens to my garden from some old buildings 1/2 mile away. Between May and the end of August I rang the local cat protection many times for help to get the cat and kittens caught and neutered. I only ever got an ansa-phone but I always left a message and my tel. number. I NEVER got a return call from the CP. After the end of August the kittens disappeared. I think one may have died but a neighbouring farmer said he had caught two and they had been neutered and were now at his brothers farm.

I didn't see the mother cat for a couple of weeks at the end October then in November three more kittens appeared with her. They were then about 6 weeks old I guess. I again have been trying to contact the local CP with no more luck. Eventually I got in touch with the National CP and have applied for and been offered help to get these three kittens and their mother neutered. The problem is now to catch them. These kittens however are not so wild as the previous litter but it is still going to be difficult to catch them, and unfortunately I think the mother is having her 3rd litter of kittens since May.

The kittens are getting used to Ruby now. They will stand their ground but can also spit and scratch furiously if pushed. Mum has warned Ruby off a few times so Ruby has a cetain amount of respect for all of them She would still like to play though as can be seen in this video.

First a pic of 3 kittens and mother cat


aww thats lovely, the cat looks so much of my beloved Jesse who was pts couple of years ogo
Pretty cats, i love the middle ones expression :))
those kittens and their mum are so pretty :wub: and poor ruby was so desperate to play bless her :huggles:
bless her, shed love to be able to play with them! :wub: :D
What gorgeous kittens and each very similar and yet very different :wacko: The one in the video wasn't daft was it, staying put like that :p
Awwww that's lovely. Ruby's tail is going ten to the dozen bless her :huggles: What lovely cats :wub:
What perfect symmetrical markings the black & white shorthair has! And the long hair looks like one of my three boys only with white bits :)

The CPL should be able to lend you a special cage for trapping them - I borrowed one years ago to trap a feral tom who was hanging around. I think it'll be alot easier to catch mum and kittens :thumbsup:

I love that video - Ruby is very polite :D No barking or pawing - amazingly good manners (w00t) :thumbsup: