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Rspca Case ......


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would ya just look at this poor little pigy no bed to call her own ,just a little wee litter tray to rest her weary head :lol:

it was clean by the way was drying out in the sun after i cleaned it :D



Oh dear , poor neglected wee soul :lol: :lol: :lol:
poor lilly :wub:

nicky how on earth did you manage your new signature, its magic :sorcerer: it moves, i love it!!!! (w00t)
poor lilly :wub:

nicky how on earth did you manage your new signature, its magic :sorcerer: it moves, i love it!!!! (w00t)
(w00t) fab aint it my other half done it for me ,just need to get a sequince of pics for my lily one now (w00t)
She should be sent to a home that knows how to care for her properly :angry:


Your signature would still be nice if it didn't move. Its a beautiful

picture of them all together, they look really well :thumbsup:
Such cruelty and neglect :lol: :D :teehee:

Love you signature it is great :thumbsup:
Do you know what you spend a small fortune on beds for them and then they choose to sleep in a litter tray and you have to wonder why you bother!!!! Sooooooooo cute.
Such a little character!!! :wub: :wub:

Love the signature too, Nicky :D
Looks the best bed in the world to me Nicky. Lily certainly seems to be enjoying it.

I wondered what you had found when I first read the thread title.
:lol: :lol: what a little character she is :wub:

I love your new signature too!
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:lol: oh Nicky what great pictures...little Lily is a hoot... :wub:
just for the recored there was a raised dog bed and a quilt and numorouse fury blankets around the corner (w00t) but still she prefered the litter tray shes a funny little minx is my pigy (her nick name now ) cause shes so blooming greedy (w00t) i swear theres never a hour in the day that she doesnt make me smile or laugh :wub:

just look at this little face enough to put a smile on anybodys face dont ya think :wub:

pmsl nick, has tia been giving her a piggy back?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
pmsl nick, has tia been giving her a piggy back?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: shes nuts i tell ya she always sits on tia like that and one time she fell asleep on tias back with legs either side tia didnt move a muscle until she woke up bless her :D