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Rough Play...


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Heres Oscar and Kobi having one of their fights today (w00t)











You can just see on picture eight his little loose canine tooth :) the wobbly one :lol:
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Those teeth! It's a good job you know they don't mean it.

Kobi's looking fantastic - and Oscar's just :wub:
:- " Right thats it Oscar - Ive had enough,. :- "Enough.jpg
(w00t) ooh that looks quite scary, all that biting and there's a perfectly good pair of chewable shoes just in reach !!
Great pictures Janis,

looks like they have great fun together, it's a pitty you can't add the sound effects to the picures :))

Janimal said:
:- " Right thats it Oscar - Ive had enough,. :- "
What absolutely Gorgeous Dogs and sooo PLAYFULL??? Would you say!!!

Never mind they seemed to be enjoying themselves reminds me of me and Derek at times anyone else???????
Looks just like my lot, it is odd seeing it without sound effects :))

Gorgeous- very simillar scenes here daily
Julie D said:
(w00t) ooh that looks quite scary, all that biting and there's a perfectly good pair of chewable shoes just in reach !!
Iks ok folks - the shoes are now safe :thumbsup: - Ive had to rescue them several times this week. (w00t) :lol:
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alfyn said:
Julie D said:
all that biting and there's a perfectly good pair of chewable shoes just in reach !!
That's just what i was thinking! :lol:

Debbie I am sure YOU could probably give them a nasty suck, rather than a chew, after your Dentist's visit yesterday. :cheers:

As part of a woman's dowry (many years ago) her father would pay to have her teeth removed before mariage, so the prospective husband would not have any dental bills for his wife, having wooden teeth substituted for her real ones..
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That looks so so familiar!!!

But do your sing when they are fighting!!! We call it the Buffy song........
:lol: :lol: :lol: - Ill have to think of one for them now. :thumbsup:
Lovely pics , having such fun

Our two turn from being docile sweet and gentle, butter would'nt melt o:) into ferocious wild animals.

I have to keep telling myself they are only playing :- " Bless 'em
More excellent pictures, I love that puppy teeth snarl on Kobi !!!!! :p Oscar is still top dog then ? :huggles:
just add two iggies and it would look just like my house! (w00t)

Dawn - I wish you hadn't told us that, I am so squeemish about teeth :x still its another good reason not to get married :D
Its such a shame you cannot turn the volume down like you can with the PC :lol: :lol: