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Any one know of a charity or body that can make use of unwanted rosettes ?

Im having a clear out (w00t) of old ones , Still keeping Libbees from this year and `special ones to me ` EG Mayzees last Vet win , Badgers Best Op sex etc . they will mean nothing to any one but myself , but they have brought back memories just by finding them again :wub: :huggles:

I really dont want to put them in the rubbish bin if they can be made useful somewhere
I'm sure the school would love to make use of them, where Fallenangel's new pup won at the school pet show.... go on, how many have you got ? (w00t)
As I only take home the `firsts` ,`Best of Breeds` and `Group` ones ( Gosh hope that dosnt make me sound , I dont know , a bit `cocky` ) but I always hand back the others to the secretary after judging has finished, so they can keep costs down for their next show . o:)

When I first started I was like everyone and treasured ANY that we won but after 20 years plus :- "

If fact Ive still got the first ones I EVER won :wub: a first in sporting and a fourth in open . Won at an exeption ( now companion) show with my Racing Greyhound Jemma :wub: Thats what started me off :thumbsup:

I suppposed there ia about 50.-60 rosettes , I havnt counted them as I put them in bags , Some nice multi tiered ones though :D