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Roscoe And Sidney, Best Mates


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Sidney has been staying with us for a couple of weeks while my Mum looks after my friend's greyhounds while she's away. He went back to Mum's on Sunday and Ros n Grover heaved a great sigh of relief.

Sid came back today for a couple of hours while my Mum went out, so I tried to take some pics of them all being friends. Sidney was in buggerlugs mode, though...







And for proper comedy value


Mostly they get on really well, but if we try to let them off lead together, my two course him :b Will have to wait til he's a bit older! They were very tolerant for the first few days, letting him climb all over them. Then they realised he didn't stop and showed him who was boss - nothing nasty but some pinning and holding. Feisty little fella just gets back up and goes after them again!
lol love the beasty pics!!!!!!!!!!!! looks so nasty but its only play xx
Great tooth sparring!!!

What a cute face Sidney has :wub:
Love it!! especially the run down of the first three pics!!
Those photos are great and the first two really look quite scary (if you didn't know better) but the third is great - 'scary, us? Nooooo'
When I first saw a photo of Sidney I couldn't help but think he looked a bold, feisty fellow. :teehee: :- Glad they all get along :p

All handsome boys :wub: ...hope things are settling down for Sid
Great pics Esty - looks like Sidney is settling down - :lol:

Sid is doing really well :wub: He's bold when he's out, stands his ground with my two but is a little cuddle monster - he just loves to sit on top of me with his head snuggled into my neck. He still has his mad half hours but doesn't try to bite people anymore when they stop him :eek: He's great on the lead, and has good recall (very people orientated).

His digestive problems turned out to be a stomach/ intestine infection, probably caused by being in a dirty environment in his previous home the vet said. He gave him a course of antibiotics and within four days Sid was pooing normally (hurray!) and started to put weight on. The only problem he still has is cocking his leg indoors! He only does it every few days, and it's not cos he needs a wee, he's marking.

He is going to be a beautiful and affectionate adult dog and I'm so pleased my Mum got him :wub: He's been worth the hard work.
Fab pics, I love how they go from sitting all nice to teeth everywhere!! :D
What vicious they love one another really. :lol:
Love picture 2 all teeth, lips and tongues, would love to know what you said to them to get picture 3!

Donna X