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Rod For My Own Back


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Like many here I am a slave to my whippets, but I only realised to what degree when Finn started demanding that I hold one end of his chew bone while he chewed the other (w00t) It started one day when I was tidying up and absentmindly sat with the thing still in my hand while answering the phone. He came and chewed on it and beyond vaguely thinking how cute he was I ignored him and carried on talking. The first time he dropped the thing in my lap and I picked it up and he started trying to chew the end I wasn't holding I didn't stop him :b Now most evenings, despite refusing to hold the thing, I get it dropped hopefully in my lap at ten minute intervals. Just wondering what other peoples whippets demand of them :))
I am a chewstick slave too :>

My daughter couldn't believe it when I told her she had to do that when she looked after them :teehee:
:lol: :lol: well mine demand my bed and look at me as if to say what the hell do you think your doing ....when i try to get in with them :lol:
:lol: :lol: well mine demand my bed and look at me as if to say what the hell do you think your doing ....when i try to get in with them :lol:

Guilty as well of this one
my stanley bed hops between 5 human beds, waking us up as he goes x
Im a blanket slave...gypsy drags her "nicky" blanket and drops it at my feet then runs back and forth to her bed acting like a loony until i cover her up...she even drags it upstairs if im up there :blink:
:lol: She's funny :wub: the pictures on your signature are gorgeous!!
Love this thread already, they are such characters. Pennys bed is in my room, sometimes she manages to sneak into my bed but most of the time she is happy in her own bed which is lovely and comfy and also has a rug that can cover her. Each night I put her rug over her. Im a very light sleeper to the slightest thing can wake me, well I often get woken by Penny not crying but sighing!! standing looking at her empty bed, rug on the floor. So I have to get up and hold her rug over her bed for her to crawl back under!
Tizzy went through a phase of having to be hand fed (w00t) Luckily she has now grown out of it!!

Jinny has always demanded whatever Jinny wants ....... and she gets it :wub: :wub: :wub:
Sparky is another "cover me up" whippet. He jumps on the settee, stands and cries, then someone gets up, walks over, he lies down and his blanket is put over him. He then does a really big sigh.

Dylan sits in front of Peter anytime from about 9.30 pm and stares at him, it's because he gives them a going to bed treat, so when Dylan is ready for bed he tells you and won't take no for an answer.

read the title of the thread and thought brill someone else has a rod in there back as well troubl is mines perminat (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
There is a time limit for tea drinking here. 15-20 minutes. After that Jessica vocally DEMANDS that she is given the tea to drink. She will stand infront of you and "shout" for the tea, there's no saying NO as she just shouts back. If you tell her NO JESSICA, NAUGHTY she will go to her bed and pull every bit of bedding up with her paws and her teeth. Then come back and give you one more shout before sticking her head straight in the cup and having her fill :teehee: usually we're laughing so much we can barely get the breath out to tell her off :clown: .
I too am a Whippet Slave, not with his food I grant you, but in the bedroom department it is another story.... He sleeps, naturally, as is his god given right, in my bed. Starts off lying on top of the covers until the heating goes off (I can't sleep in a warm bedroom, comes of growing up in a farm house!), then he paws at the covers until I lift them up and he can crawl under, snuggle into the back of my legs etc!!! Recently, when I picked my daughter up from Uni and was away overnight, my son stepped in! Said it was the worst night's sleep he'd ever had, Rifle pushed him across the bed until he got out and got back in the other side! This went on all night :teehee: Happy days x
We are all whippet slaves are we not... :lol:

Kobi stops on walks, if he gets the slightest sharp object in his paw...and holds it in the air for you to look at it....

Oscar wont eat his chicken wings, unless they are cut up into four small pieces, otherwise he drops it on the floor...stares at it until one the others nicks it. :p

and Archie stands till you hold his snuggle sack open at night, so be can curl up in it...
LOL..they are so funny arent they...Gypsy is currently snuggled up under the "nicky" blanket with just her nose poking out.....she actually dragged it onto my lap so i wouldnt ignore her ;)
LOL..they are so funny arent they...Gypsy is currently snuggled up under the "nicky" blanket with just her nose poking out.....she actually dragged it onto my lap so i wouldnt ignore her ;)
:wub: :wub: :wub: Gypsy!
LOL..they are so funny arent they...Gypsy is currently snuggled up under the "nicky" blanket with just her nose poking out.....she actually dragged it onto my lap so i wouldnt ignore her ;)
speaking of Nicky blankets...I have some pictures for you....back shortly... :lol:
Grace has also trained me to wrap her in a blanket whenever required. She scrabbles at it half heartedly and then gives the most pathetic whine. Once she has been wrapped up she sighs and snuggles, very sweet :wub: She does a funny little wiggle with her nose to make sure she is really snug and comfy.

When we are out she has trained me to throw balls for her and also to retrieve them once she has got bored. Bless.
Remmy has trained me to cover her up with her blanket. She makes a high-pitched bark/yap that you just cannot ignore (a very piercing noise :- ). This occurs frequently during the day. She likes to be completely covered up - head as well. However, if I'm not there, OH says she does it far less with him!!