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Robbies First Outing On Lamp

posh totty

whippet servant
Reaction score
how proud is our little Alfie of his Robbie :D

this was caught within 3 mins of us arriving on my permission, a quick flick round with lamp , robbie at alfies side, we had sas with us to show robbie the ropes in case he needed it , but alfie decided he was slipping robbie and away robbie went , to the tune of "skit on robbie" from alfie and i was lamp man , boom the strike !!!! robbie took a stumble but kept hold , although a little hard mouthed he brought it back and then alfie then had to have his pic taken ( many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poser!!!)

so here they are , a 4 yr old boy and his young dog,how perfect!!!


oh and the little git bet me £50 robbie would beat jessie on the lamp!!!!! :clown:
Congratulations, Robbie :)

Alfie is looking more than chuffed there, Tanya :thumbsup:
Well done Robbie and Alfie, takes after his mum and dad for the bunnies, especially his dad :lol:
he went to a kids party today for another 4yr olds birthday , at the point where the entertainer asked what the kids had done over the holiday , i left :b only 4 of them cried apperently :clown:
Awww look at him in his combats lol proud as punch lol so are you £50 worse off now? lol

he went to a kids party today for another 4yr olds birthday , at the point where the entertainer asked what the kids had done over the holiday , i left :b only 4 of them cried apperently :clown:
:clown: :D :lol: Oh Tanya thats so funny...]

great pictures of little Alfie and Robbie,... :wub: well done.