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Rip Mr Lemon Xxxx

jinx and rubys mum

New Member
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After 8 months of cuddles,kisses,tossing and catching running and grabbing

I t is with deep regret I need to say goodbye to the stoic mr Lemon

I was greeted with this sorry sight this morning


8 months is a record in this house so Ill need to see where he came from!!!

The riotous Ruby the teenage tareaway strikes again!!
sleep well Mr Lemon in the big toy box in the sky :(

though he seems to have passed over with a smile on his face, he must have been enjoying life right till the very end :thumbsup:
Oh No.. (w00t) I thought Mr Lemon was a guinea pig...

Im so relieved ....though sad... :- "
:( Poor Mr Lemon, my condolences to his family and friends :(

Nooooooooo, there is loads of life in him yet (w00t)

Get that stuffing back in there and get out the sewing basket 8)

His 'croaker' just needs a new plastic bag to make a vacuum and he'll be good as new. Okay, so he might not have such a large forehead, but the dogs will love him just the same :- "

Do what I did with our settee, put a cover on it, no-one will ever know :thumbsup:

:eek: OMG Im so sorry to be reading this :( How traumatised must you be coming down to see that terrible sight :( (w00t) (w00t)
Didnt remove him in time the final rites have been served!!! :(



Definately gone to the toy box in the sky now :(
Well I suppose it's some comfort to know that he was lost in the line of duty. RIP Mr (Flat) Lemon.
