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"reverse Sneezing"


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Just wandering whether somebody has a similar problem with their whippets: our Wolfie ( 2years old whippet) has been having this “reverse sneezing†thing quite a lot since we have been on boating holiday in Norfolk Broads 2 weeks ago (he did this since puppy-hood, but not as bad as we are experiencing nowadays). He actually had quite bad one at the boat, that we decided to finish our holiday earlier. We took him to vet who gave him short course of antibiotics and some powder to help to clear the discharge from his nose. He has improved now, but he still does it mainly at night…

My question would be: if the whippets do that reverse sneezing thing, is it normal to have mucus/discharge in their noses?… Also, could this be so bad now because of the time of the year – so much pollen in the air (kind of hay fever?).

Please assure me that it is nothing serious…?

thank you
One of my dogs does that, now and then, but she does not have any discharge. :)
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It sounds like hayfever to me......... our greyhound used to be like that every summer
Grace has done this since she was a puppy, she is now five.She has been worse in the last few weeks but has never had a discharge from her nose.It does sound like it may be hayfever.Hope your doggy is better soon. :thumbsup:
Is this when they snort continously like something is stuck up their nose?Coco does that..not all the time but when she does it goes in for about a minute.
Stanley has this but also developed a cough - this was 3 years ago he is permanently on low dose steroids now. We think it was triggered by the KC vaccine.

I am not saying this is why your dog has, but reverse sneezing can be due to a number of different reasons. Some dogs just aer more prone and it is nothing to worry about, quite afew suffer from seasonal rhinitis and other long-term rhinitis which is similarto my boy.

Juts keep your eye on it, if it gets worse and he gets lethargic take him to a vet also if there is nasty discharge.
i had a dog that snorted inwards,,,,kept me up a few nights

went to the vet ,,he said wen dogs do this its a throat infection,,( in this case)

couple off courses of anti,s worked,,came back a month later,gav him another course never had a problem since
sarahloveland said:
Is this when they snort continously like something is stuck up their nose?Coco does that..not all the time but when she does it goes in for about a minute.
yes, something like that...but ours has got bit of mucus or some thing in his nose as he always swallow after he finish doing the sneezing thing.

Maybe it is hayfever, as a few of you suggested, as he is doing it more often nowadays...

I will keep eye on him and if it does not improve, will have to go the the vet again...

I am also giving him more garlic these days to make his immunity stronger...hope he will not have to go on antibiotics again... :(

thank you for all your replies... :thumbsup:
I am sure Wolfie will be fine,it is quite frightening though when they do it.Coco woke up the other week doing it and she was snorting like mad so much her ribs were really prominent. All my kids were totally freaking but when she stops she just goes back to kip!! None of my other whippies do it just Coco. :luck: :luck:
Rosa did this snorting thing a few years ago, at about 3am in my bed, scared the hell out of me as i'd never heard anything like it, it's a horrible way to get woken up!!! i thought she was breathing her last :lol:

i took her to the vets (it was a newbie) and she said that maybe a spider had crawled up her nose and bitten her :wacko: they even sedated her to make sure there wasn't anything lodged in there :eek:

so when Alf did the same a couple of days later i asked the senior vet if it could be the start of kennel cough or some other nasal infection, she agreed and when i told her the newbies diagnosis she nearly fell over laughing.

Oto also does do something similar when there is a girl in season anywhere about, my mate says he is doing his best duck impression for them :lol:

the garlic is great for the immunity and especially good with respiratory problems, maybe if he does have hayfever the vet could sugest some anti hystamine(sp) for him

:luck: :luck: :luck:
sarahloveland said:
Is this when they snort continously like something is stuck up their nose?Coco does that..not all the time but when she does it goes in for about a minute.

I am loving the new signiture Sarah :p lovely photo of Murphy :wub: