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Results From Roscrea Drag


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SMALL DOGS WINNER colin colts wit WHISKY colins dog showed all round pace from start to finish wit some tight runs he stuck it out wit good guts congrats colin on a first time running hope u injoyed your day runner up nigel o toole wit JESS unlucky nigel maybe next time CONSALTION FOR BIG DOGS WINNER franki hillis with SELDOM FED this old lady s the fastest hairy lurcher i prob will ever see she takes away like a bullet out of a gun WELL DONE FRANKIE RUNNER UP WASjohn hunphries wit CHINA unlucky john wit your lurcher bitch it was good final and can be only one winner as we know and as good sporting people take it on the chin and wish winner luck as u did this bitch owes u not think AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST THE WINNER OF FIVE DRAG RACES IN A ROW THIS DOG S A SUPERSTAR UNBEATAN john mahers dog SCOOBY wat can we say about this class act only he s a machine i took a turn to slip this fella as time was pushing on and sky getting dark our slipper wanted tea so i stood n and im sorry i did this morning becos im still trying to clean out my eyes with the stuff this fella through back while leave n my hands ha he shows eletrick pace start to finish well done john on winning the OWEN JUGGY RYAN PLAQUE RUNNER UP nigel o tolle wit THE PUP unlucky nigel but when u come up again a dog like this it takes some running to try b beat him and this runner up is not no spring chicken beatan semi neol dealaney WIT JACK this is pup 13 monts old going to be one for next meeting down the line BEATAN SEMI shane lee wit BLACKY unfortinly he meet his son in this semi who he just hates meeting but on behalf of blacky would like to say congrats son on another super win :angry: :angry: ha hope all injoyed thanks every one who travled to r meeting hope all got home safe also thanks to gallop owner john higgings and who put up the lovely spread of food until next time slaine :) :) :) :) :)