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Restored My Faith In Human Beings...


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Remember my thread yesterday?

well the most fantastic news hubby thought we would ring the Metro anyway this morning, even if it was just to tell them to be vigilant.

But a real turn up for the books.....the BAG had been handed into lost property

and we are going to pick it up today.

Needless to say Wayne is ecstatic....and so are the whole family.... :cheers:

just shows there are decent human beings out there.. ..... :huggles:

I cant thank them enough. :) :thumbsup:

What a happy a horrible day yesterday... I just hope the person left their name....I would love to thank them personally... :thumbsup: :huggles:
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fantastic ending ,there are some good people out ther ,just a shame ther wasnt few more :)
That's a nice result :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: So glad to hear this, and your son will have learnt a really valuable lesson too! :huggles:
How good of someone. :thumbsup:

Even if the person who found it hasn't left their name is there a notice board you could put a thankyou note on just on the of chance they would see it
Aww, lovely :D

That's great news Janis.

Is it just the bag or was anything left in it???
Great news! :D Sad reflection of the society we live in that we all jumped to the same conclusion about it being stolen though.
thats good news,hes a very lucky lad :thumbsup:
Been through to collect the bag...and yes folks all his things present and correct amazing is that,... :thumbsup:

The person didnt leave their name...what a shame really. :( But oakmoorhill thanks for the tip....I may write a letter and ask them to put it up on a notice board...good idea.

I cant tell you how pleased we all were....and as for the person who handed it in

Three cheers from us... :cheers:
That's a great result Janis, and there was me on Saturday giving out about thieves. Just goes to show I should not jump to conclusions and I'm not going to do it again...........................................................................


............................................................, teenage boys are a right pain for not looking after their things (w00t) , seriously though Janis, I'm glad it ended so well.

So am I Jenny....

and I did exactly the same too ....thinking the worst of people...felt bad about my own thoughts too.....and just goes to show

some times there is a happy ending.. :) :)
