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Resident dog and new pup


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Hi all new here. Hope your all well and looking forward to speaking to you all and hearing about all your furbabies.

I have a 10 year old female (whole) shih tzu.

We recently got a staff X (8 weeks) female.

OH just turned up home with this puppy so didn't get to introduce the dogs slowly we just got landed. Anyway first week has been ok..puppy has been told off a few times by older dog but nothing nasty...yet. I need a few pointers and tips to keep things going in the right direction, they have been getting on well but my older dog is getting a bit snappy with certain things..puppy tries to lie on her cushion..She's head down..stiff..growling and top lip is up. Older dog snaps at puppy if puppy goes to eat food that has been dropped or if puppy goes to eat out of her bowl she will snap at the puppy.(getting worried she will turn possessive aggressive?) Before I get pounced on haven't kown what to do which is why I am far I got rid of the cushion and we keep the dog bowls lifted now when they have finished eating (at opposite ends of the room) how do we stop older dog snapping at the newies.

Sorry if I've gone on a bit I'm sure there will be many more questions to come :) x
It is a tense time introducing a puppy to a resident dog. Your instincts are right in that you are looking out for flash points and removing them. Food and beds are the big, sensitive issues for any dog. I don't think you should stop your older dog telling off your puppy. That's what their mother's do- it's how a puppy leans. Try to supervise their play but also try not to intervene. I've always had two male dogs and introduced puppies into the home. You just have to be vigilant - often their interactions sound dreadful but it's just handbags and swearing and it passes off. Don't shout or move too quickly. Stay calm! If you get worked up they'll think it's a fight!
Thank you deegee I seem to have this post in forum parts. Makes sense what you saying. It was older dogs body language I didn't like but again I've never seen her do it. When she was sat on the cushion, her body looked very tense, her head was looking at the floor and she was letting off little growls n her top lip was turning up into a snarl, she told the puppy off twice by snapping at her, I lost my bottle and to the cushion and ignored both of them while doing so. It's little things like that that I don't know what I'm supposed to do lol. Like when is too far, how do I know it's too far and I need to intervene? It's all very confusing haha x