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repeat matings what do you think


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people used to say repeat matings dont work ,but i allways said if it works once why not twice ,look at dessie and micky mouse what do you all think ???
Hi Gaz :D If a mating throws good pups I dont see the harm in a repeat mating. After all us married women dont have a different fella for all our offsprings ;) :p :D :D
Could be a good excuse to get rid though ey pauline :D

I could never understand why people didn't think repeat matings would work - anyone know the theory behind it?
We've had 2 champions from repeat matings. I think the only reason some people say they don't work is because they only get done if there is at least one exceptional puppy from the first litter. No matter how good the second litter are, even if they were that years best litter, if there isn't one as good as that first exceptional one then they say it hasn't worked. It's just down to people's expectations and perceptions. The second litter is always measured against something exceptional from the first litter instead of against the general population.
This theory, Judy, equally applies to breeding for show. I have repeated matings and have had equally as good puppies, in fact, the dog from the second mating exceeded the winning that the bitch from the first one did.

The only reason I don't do it often is that, as I am limited to the number of dogs I can keep, I feel I am reducing my gene pool, as it were, having them all bred exactly the same. I like to keep to the same sort of family lines but with a bit of variation!
some of it has to come down to the owners, if u cant train a dog for toffee then no matter what the breedings like they dont stand much chance of winnin :p
Yeh i know what you mean Jade but then there are always those jammy people who land on their feet with a really well bred dog & they haven't got the foggiest what they are doing & always come up trumps.
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Hi Judy :D That makes perfect sence to me. It would be hard for later litters to live up to expectations.

:0 Oh Vicky dont put ideas in my head :D :D :D
HEY MUTLEY , don't miss out the SC crosses. like... maddison+homebird o and...stagnight+fleetwood girl.
yeah your right jasper mate ,homebird madison great litters and stagnight fleetwood girl as for realy well bred dogs most are well bred now, some take a lot more work than others ,like vicky said some people cant train a dog for toffie but end up with champions ??? maybe its hitting on lucky and getting a natural, ive known some great dogs bred from club racers then again some not so good bred from two good champions. a greyhound most will of heard of brownsugar, couldnt grade in at easington but managed to throw champs one after the other, including one of the fastest dogs to grace a track mrs olivers freewheeler all to diffrent stud dogs ...freewheeler mated a few bitches including one of my own ,never threw very well to any bitch ,apart from one i think ,bruce bellwoods ...
your right mutley free had nwf ch bwra ch beau venture i think is at stud now
i knew there was one or two champs out of freewheeler, thought it was bruce and di s. i think he didnt get a lott of bitches wich is a shame, wonder what he would of threw to a big greyhound like homebird ??? guese well never know
I think maybe his size & the fact he lived in the same house as Mickey Mouse who had already proved himself as a good stud but yeh it was a great shame as he was a fab dog & good looking too.