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Refusing to go for a Walk


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Over the last couple of weeks our little chappy has started to refuse to go on some walks.  It seems to have happened since he's had his operation, but that may well be coincidental.  Basically, he'll get kitted up and go so far as the end of our drive or street (or sometimes the next street), then just stop and won't move.  He doesn't make any noise or show any outward signs of any distress or anything that would concern me, but just stops and stands still.  None of the usual encouragement works.  Occasionally he'll turn and face the other way so he can't be cajoled.  This has happened a few times during the day and we've ended up following him on a different route!  It also started happening with his last 10 minute walk at the end of the day at about 21.00 so he can go to the toilet before bed and the last few evenings he just gets out of our back gate and stops.  Sometimes he will have a pee in the garden, sometimes not.  It also happened at 06.00 this morning on his usual early walk - got kitted up, got to the end of our driveway, and he stopped.  After a quick pee in our garden, it was back in again.  This is also his usual "have a poo" walk too.  We're not overly concerned but the thing that does cause some minor worry is toileting - a couple times when he's been like this he hasn't been to the loo and we're worried that (a) it'll be uncomfortable for him, and (b) it might lead to accidents around the house.  The recent fireworks haven't helped either - when all that was kicking off he wouldn't go out, understandably, but there was about a 14 hour gap between wees!

Any advise greatly appreciated, or am I worrying over nothing?
The last couple of evenings he's gone into the garden and done a wee, but won't venture out beyond that.
Our other dog did this about 6 years ago when she was about 9 ish. we never really knew her age. We took her to the vet and she did blood tests and at first leukemia was mentioned, but then ruled out. We wondered if she had eaten some mouse poison, but we were never sure. The vet prescribed a vitamin gel and she picked up and was fine again. It may have been something lacking in her diet, we never really knew.
He's getting better now, thanks. He still doesn't go on his usual walk, but will wonder in the garden for a wee.
Dudley went through a stage like this about a year ago. He is only two now. He would refuse to go out of the door and just plant. I spent about a week carrying him up the street and then he would walk. A friend suggested I tried taking him out of the front door instead of the back and it actually worked. He will now happily go for a walk whichever door I use.
Thanks for that, we tried going out the front a couple of times (usually go out the back), just to get him on the front garden to see if he would pee. I'll try going out the front next time and see if that encourages him to go for a quick walk. Funny old things, aren't they?!