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Reformed Character !


New Member
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recently ive been big mouthed and offened thousands on here. ive escaped by the seat of my pants from being banned on numerous occasions :sweating:

so from now on im going to be a good boy !

my problem is i dive in before thinking about the consequences. can i take this oppurtunity to apologise to all who ive offended for example...........people with different coloured skin than mine, eyes that are slightly different from mine, bloaters, and ladies who enjoy "lady-friendships" ;) , theres more but i cant think who...oh yeh "ginger tops" :p

hope we can all march onwards now hand in hand tho im not holding any uglys !

j :huggles: hn
Off to William Hills to see what odds there offering :thumbsup:
ypuve just had me in stitches stormy (w00t) :lol: :lol:
You well behaved!!!


I think a big K9 group hug is required!!

Mark Roberts said:
Off to William Hills to see what odds there offering  :thumbsup:
PMSL :lol:

J o:) hn,just make sure you "PREVIEW" what you've typed,& don't hit the send button until you're absolutely sure it won't cause upset :thumbsup: :huggles:
[SIZE=14pt]ur not coming out of the closet John, are u? :) :) :lol: :lol: [/SIZE]
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welcome back john :thumbsup: behave and stay out of trouble :p
:- " :- " we better not gode you into anything else then.... :*
Hope you're recovering from the weekend



Tracey X
(w00t) omg he is back :thumbsup:

its reading that statement of yours that proves you should stay john :cheers:

its the way you word things :- " it makes us laugh, most of the time :oops:

just give your brain a moment to kick in before your fingers start doing the

can-can on the key board :thumbsup:
stormydog said:
theres more but i cant think who...oh yeh "ginger tops" :p

I'm sure you meant to say...."flame haired beauties" :- " but I'll let you off this once :p :clown: :p


Good to have you back :thumbsup:

Don't behave too well it'll get boring!!!!!! (w00t) :lol:
stormydog said:
recently ive been big mouthed  and offened thousands on here. ive escaped by the seat of my pants from being banned on numerous occasions  :sweating: so from now on im going to be a good boy !

my problem is i dive in before thinking about the consequences. can i take this oppurtunity to apologise to all who ive offended  for example...........people with different coloured skin than mine, eyes that are slightly different from mine, bloaters, and ladies who enjoy "lady-friendships"  ;) , theres more but i cant think who...oh yeh  "ginger tops"  :p

hope we can all march onwards now hand in hand  tho im not holding any uglys !

            j :huggles: hn

You do me make me laugh.... dont be too good now though John...
Well I for one John took your posts very personal :D

As I'm laid here in my bed suffering from jaundice :(


But I forgive you
Looks good written down, but...............