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Red Mills Cup-5-6-04

kipper fluke

New Member
Reaction score
no limit-mickey whizz

40lb-pips pride

heat 2-show 3-overall

veterans no limit-jive talk

yearling scratch?-nice and cool

pups 20lb-scottish power-overall

25lb-silver spark

30lb-bally reign

yearling dogs-24lb-leo

yearling bitches-24lb belinda-overall

veterans 20lb-michellebelle-overall

25lb demolition blue

35lb-crazy jig

adult bitches 20lb-troubelle-overall


30lb-sun princess-3rd

30lb heat-gift of the game


adult dogs 20lb-coral-overall

25lb-lets go crazy-2nd?


35lb-aurora borealis-4th

Lovely days racing-well done to Malcolm Clarke and (his co-workers- abit thin on the ground- but still very well organised/efficient)

Track in good condition as always too.

A few photos to follow later of winners.
:D your full heats if anyone wants to see them are on whippet domain. I just been saying the same thing about how well run this open was and of course what good condition the track is in as usual. It wasnt a bad turn out considering there a lot that have gone to Devon. It was an enjoyable day. :D :D :D
:p good photos steve no i never took any photos will have to take me camera next time lol :p :clown: :p
:p p.s the veteran photo is of michellebelle and crazy jig lol not jive talk thats on the scratch photo) :p
And the pup sup Scottish Power,the other one isSilver Spark .Both from Scotland.litter mates .