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Recommended Books On Lurchers


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We are trying find a good all-round book on lurchers. Have found a few possibilities on earth and running dog:

The New Complete Lurcher By D. Brian Plummer

The Lurcher - Training & Hunting By Frank Sheardown

Be grateful if anyone could recommend a good book or let me know if wither oif these are good

Thanks :thumbsup:

brian plummers the new complete lurcher is a good start, its so good ive order'd myself a copy.

tho, i find that lurcher books tend to spend to much time debating the breeding, feeding and origin of the lurcher to spend a lot of time on the hunting and training of a dog. this is just my view on the lurcher books available.

i think a good book is All about the Lurcher By Katharine Tottenham.
jackie drakefords books are really good what type of book do u want j darcy,s book is good if your into all round hunting tales
Well what'd ya know!!! :D

Lurcherboy is alive and well and not abducted by folks that want to pour alcohol down his throat :eek: Against his will BTW...and i thought he'd more fight in him as well :( Poor LB :lol:

He may be young, but by goodness the lurcherboy is well read and reared...I dunno about books PH 'cos its in print dont make it right or good, but you'd no go far wrong by reading what he recommends!