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Recall & skittish behavior


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Hi I'm new on this site. Really looking forward to reading the different posts and maybe get some advice as well. I have a 3 year old border collie mix that I rescued 2 years ago. She is a great dog except for a couple of things. She's about 90% on recall. I would love for her to be 100%. I have tried the special treats and praise but when she's really focused on so something she won't come until she's good and ready. Also, she's a very skittish dog. She did attend obedience training classes in which she did not participate because she went into "Shut Down" mode. However I did get a lot out of the class which helped at home. I also put her in a doggie daycare once a week but she would find a place to hide. I take her out daily on walks to expose her to people and dogs but she is nervous. Even at home if someone is over, she hides under my bed until they leave. The only time she looks like she's truly enjoying life is when she's alone with me. I'd appreciate any suggestions or advice. Thank you so much!