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ok.....i get what you mean now!!!!!!

sharpener ( mo bex x queen)....good bitch but never won a title.....produced mad mick, rosies double and aquiace

mmmmm cant really think of anymore at the mo
Double Impact just lost 2 years on the trott by a photo finish

from Blue Fox x Fast Black

she produced Blue Goblin , Slippy Blue and E-mail
with the litter of sharpner if you look they all had got titles

in fact 2001 nwrf ch ch i think history was made when blueboy and rosies double won the sup ch ch,s litter brother and sister i think thats right correct me if im wrong
I think a lot of people forget about your Nch Ch/Ch's Blue Boy because compared to the rest of the litter he has had very little running. This turned out to be a brilliant litter from a bitch which had no titles.

I think there'd be a lot more bitches producing champions/open class even though they didn't have a title themselves, it's just that a lot of people get rid when they don't make the grade even though most have excellent breeding the un-titled bitches never get chance to prove themselves as a brood.

When newcomers to the sport start to look at breeding they think only the titled brood bitches produce good dogs when it's really down to the fact that not many people use untitled bitches.

ps. I heard a whisper Blue Boy is hopefully going to stud this year so that should be interesting!!!
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Also Michelle & Tony's bitch Blue Monday when put to their own dog Soapy Joe produced their open class (when he wasn't injured ;) ) True Faith who has been runner up on a few occasions.
what about lady blue.....who to xspell produced excentric, sugar fire and masai.

I previously thought lady blue was a ghd but i think i was told it was a bitch out of sexy mover??( but i may be wrong ??? )......thanks for pippa's mention ( blue monday).....dont forget pips daughter bend derby weight class winner agile moo ( lol lol.....NOT agile!!!!)

also neils unraced bitch amy ....who has produced some very promising dogs
Lady Blue (Fleetwood x Sexy Mover) also threw Simpson (cracking scratch dog until recent injury) & Hell on Legs (looking quite promising on bends) Sugar Fire weren't off Lady Blue durrrrrr Lol ;) but i think you did mean simpson
Last edited by a moderator: brain is useless today ( cos ive actually done some work today :b ) yep dumb-ass again. I really did mean simpson!!!!
thanks for info so far keep it coming.

and the email from T.C bitches tulsa time and free venture
It's A Mystery had no titles but when mated to Marillian produced a good litter ie Micks Mystery and No Sweat, then she was mated to Dream Vision (marillians litter brother and Fancy Free was born , i dont think she had any more litters nor none before but i may be wrong :D
I dont think Brian and maureens bitch Holly ever had a title but she produced Popeye, Gillette, and Gypsy...
i dont think fear of the dark had a title, she produced rch babeesha and sup rch anyones company, did kissyfur have any titles cos look what she threw
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there could be alot of good brood bitches about,if they were given the chance,same goes with stud dogs,why people dont give others a chance and keep using the same dog/bitch i dont know,anyway whats the odds on a stud dog with 7 offspring running against one with 37 running ,on winning top ten stud ??? ,try something new you never know ;)
oooooooooooooh i love it when u r masterfull dink, bet debs does too ey, but i think if u use a good stud dog to a club dog(bitch) u should get some good open class pups.... and vicer versa :D
Well done to Tony & his good dog Nch Ch/Ch's Blue Boy who mated his first bitch this week the Southern little brindle bitch Reflections !! :D This should be interesting, also it's good that dogs his size are getting a bit of recognition at stud because not many people will use the bigger dogs for stud duties (why? i don't know!) - Good Luck