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Raw Meat Suppliers?


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(Also posted in Lurcher section.)

I'm starting to feed my two some raw meats and was wondering if anyone on here knows of a good supplier in the North West of Northern Ireland please?

Butchers round here aren't terribly helpful, plus I'd like to offer some variety such as rabbit and so on.
If the local butchers aren't very helpful try bypassing them and going staight to the abatoir.Thats were I go and get meat from them that is fit for human consumption sometimes it still has a tag on saying the cows ear number and when it was slaughtered and only pay the same as the butcher does and not the butchers inflated prices.

Look in the phone book for the address and phone number of any that are local to you

They may also be able to put you in touch with someone who can supply you with rabbits
Go to Derry track on a monday night,and you'll get all you want.
oakmoorehill said:
If the local butchers aren't very helpful try bypassing them and going staight to the abatoir.Thats were I go and get meat from them that is fit for human consumption sometimes it still has a tag on saying the cows ear number and when it was slaughtered and  only pay the same as the butcher does and not the butchers inflated prices.
  Look in the phone book for the address and phone number of any that are local to you

They may also be able to put you in touch with someone who can supply you with rabbits

Thanks, I had been considering approaching the abatoir, but wan't sure how I'd be recieved there. Just need to get a hold of a second hand freezer first to be sure I've somewhere to put it all. :thumbsup:

billyboy45 said:
Go to Derry track on a monday night,and you'll get all you want.
Really Billy? Excellent. Who do I see/ask there about it?
Aldi big bag of mince £1.79 shin beef from butcher also cheap lamb breast from any supermarket dirt cheap