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Raw food & veg

Lizzie C

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Raw food...

For people who feed their dogs raw do you also give them veg?

We’ve recently changed Hugo to raw food (Durhams brand which is 80% meat, 10% bone and 10% offal) so he’s getting no veg in his diet.

I recently blended up some carrot and brocolli and gave him a spoonful but that then gave him diarrhoea. Other than that occasion his poo has been hard since being on raw.

Ive tried Apple and carrot in his kong and he is not interested. Also frozen carrots.

He’s 4.5 months old.

I’ve read conflicting views that they do/don’t need veg in their diet so just wandered what others do?
I go through phases of feeding it and not feeding it - like you, I've read contradictory things. You could try feeding something like Smartbarf or Dorwest Easy-Green and see if he tolerates them better. But if not - don't worry, as far as I can see the jury's still out.
I have fed raw for many years. I never go out of my way to feed fruit and veg on a regular basis. However, our lot do enjoy their fruit and veg salad included, they will eat most things but they do not like mushrooms or raw parsnips. They all hang around when vegetables are being peeled and prepared for ourselves, nothing gets wasted.
The girls like to graze and select various grasses and herbs.
In the spring I will pick young "Goose grass"/cleavers, dandilion leaves / sometimes with roots, a little piece of Hog weed and nettle tops and blitz it then pour it over their meals.
It probably helps them to learn about raw fruit and veg when, as with our lot and there are 7 of them there is plenty of competition as to who gets there first!
I do not make a point of feeding fruit and veg on a regular basis.

They love over ripe fruits and enjoy most raw veg, at the moment they are eating a bag full of sprouts between themselves daily (500g).
I bought about 10 bags of these Christmas eve reduced to 9p a bag for the Donkeys (the Donkeys do not like them!)
I scatter the sprouts around on the grass and the dogs gobble them all up. This is not affecting any of their poos, they are still extremely firm.

"Smartbarf" is a lovely product if you feel happier using something extra to add to the raw diet without any mess or effort.

I feed Durham to my 3 ,I also don't go out of my way to feed fruit/veggies but if anything is spare I will give it to the dogs,my 9 month old pup was helping himself to blackberries throughout the Summer on our walks:)
I have a crate in the back of the car where I put things to keep them safe and out of a dogs reach. Yesterday while driving home I could hear a noise in the back of the car, a bit like bags being rummaged through. Sure enough one of the girls was in the cage helping herself to an opened pack of sprouts. My fault as I obviously had not latched the cage safely:oops:
My dogs have been very variable in what/how much veg they wanted, so over the years I have given them every opportunity to have fruit and veg, but not worried unduly if they didn't want certain types. They all grazed and eat goosegrass and chickweed when they wanted. My current dog loves cauliflower and broccoli, but isn't keen on much else.

You don't want dogs with diarrhoea, so maybe offer a tiny bit of veg. and let their digestions adjust over time. Or, as has been suggested, try them on Dorwest herbs. Mine won't eat the powder but is an easy dog for tablets, so you might want to think about that.