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Raw Chicken Wings????


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Today Archie was at the vets and I was advised to feed him raw chicken wings..I am a tad confused :wacko: ...He currently has royal canin adult. Is it ok to feed him as normal for breakfast and then a couple of chicken wings for tea ? does anyone else feed there whippet raw food and what is their routine ? the vet also suggested raw mince. I know I should of asked the vet a few more questions but i always think of what I need to ask a tad late :b
Mine get raw wings at least twice a week and even the cat likes to have one too :D
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mine get chicken wings for brekki every morning both my italians and the whippets also raw minced beef/lamb ext ,past and fish ,raw meaty bones :thumbsup:
Yep my girls have them for breakfast as well,

along with raw mince beef and lamb, bones,

tripe and fish during the day :thumbsup:
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Always freeze fresh meat and chicken wings before feeding to your dog. Mine have raw chicken wings, pet mince ( I have found a butcher that does really good pet mince) which I feed raw, tripe, meaty bones. They have chicken wings like Jane's do, twice a week, helps keep their teeth clean. I am amazed you have a vet that advocates raw feeding, most want you to buy the complete foods they sell!!!! Mine also have raw sprats as a treat!
(w00t) Alleluia!! a vet with some sense. Have to say, my vets still tell me off for giving mine chicken wings :angry:
Yep mine have chicken wings for Breakfast...2 each...

and in the Evening Raw Tripe, Beef, Chicken, Lamb...whatever comes out of the freezer first. :thumbsup:
Thanks everyone for your replies :thumbsup: . We are really pleased with this vet he really does seem to know his stuff.. we recently changed to him when archie broke his toe our local vets wanted to amputate but paul explained how his toe had healed!!. He specialises in greyhounds and whippets dont think we will ever use another vet now :D

Yep!! Raw wings every morning followed by raw rabbit (bone in), pet mince, green tripe and various extras such as seaweed powder, bonemeal, cod liver oil etc and raw bones from the butcher at the weekend!! :thumbsup:

Guaranteed great teeth, less excrement and very happy, healthy whippets :D
Mine all get a chicken drumstick for brekkie,its the highlight of the day.Ted also has 2 raw lamb chops,being a spoilt pup,and Royal Canin dried for tea.

Rifle loves his raw chicken wings for brekkie.... lamb ribs are a favourite too!! Trying to persuade my son's friend, who has taken up shooting, to provide me with rabbit (cleaned), I offered to pay him but he says I can have them free.... I just hate having to skin and clean them myself :x

I've been talking to my neighbour about diet for her 15 month old Retriever, he came to her being fed Bakers :blink: We tried him with a Chicken Wing and he played with it for about 10 minutes, didn't know what to do with it! Broke it up for him and he hasn't looked back since! :))
I know I'm going to be out of step with the other posts but I have spoken to my vet plus a vet friend (who has no axe to grind and no vet food to sell me) and both vets, plus their nurses have independently told me not to feed raw chicken to any of my dogs. They see a large number of dogs ill with salmonella and a lot of these animals are fed raw. About two/three years ago Tilly became very ill with acute diarrhoea and vomiting and it turned out to be salmonella. Even if I could bring myself to feed other types of meat raw ie lamb bones, I could never feed them raw chicken. Please don't jump on me, these are purely my feelings as a result of personal experience and my discussions with doggy friends (some of whom are breeders, although not of whippets, goldies and border terriers), a dog trainer/behaviourist and a couple of vets/nurses.
I'm not going to jump on you tillynpip & i'm sorry that Tilly had salmonella.

Salmonella is probably present in most dogs guts along with e coli,campylobacter & other potentially harmful bacteria.It's only when the bad overtakes the good bacteria that a problem occurs.This could be the result of a dog being on abs,nsaids or other drugs that wipe out the good bacteria & let the bad take hold.

She could have picked up from anywhere,not necessarily from raw chicken. Even tinned meats ,dried foods,pigs ears & chews can carry it!!!
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I know I'm going to be out of step with the other posts but I have spoken to my vet plus a vet friend (who has no axe to grind and no vet food to sell me) and both vets, plus their nurses have independently told me not to feed raw chicken to any of my dogs. They see a large number of dogs ill with salmonella and a lot of these animals are fed raw. About two/three years ago Tilly became very ill with acute diarrhoea and vomiting and it turned out to be salmonella. Even if I could bring myself to feed other types of meat raw ie lamb bones, I could never feed them raw chicken. Please don't jump on me, these are purely my feelings as a result of personal experience and my discussions with doggy friends (some of whom are breeders, although not of whippets, goldies and border terriers), a dog trainer/behaviourist and a couple of vets/nurses.

You are not out of step with me . I have never fed my dogs raw food or bones and I never would . My dogs are very healthy , have excellent teeth and live to good long ages . Each to their own I say ! :thumbsup:
my dogs have all therir meat raw except chicken wings i have never feed chicken wing raw i personally think they are dangerous to dogs i cook all my chicken and bone it before i give it to my dogs