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Rags, The Last Of The 7.


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At last, some pics of Rags, the only one of the 7 lurchers not to have a home. He is slowly coming out of himself, having spent the entire 12 months of his life in a shed, it will take time. He has a lovely temperament, so I'm sure that in time the right home will be there for him. More about him on

What a poor boy :huggles: Im sure that after getting some good food and cuddles he will turn into a stunner :wub:
Awwwww bless him, he does look a sorrowful boy :wub:

Well done jools, you'v given him a new chance of having a happy life.
I hadn't ralised how sorry he looked on those pictures !! He is getting a little bit cheeky, playing with toys and also playing with the girls - but they have told him that they are well brought up girls and don't play with boys like that - at least when they aren't in season!! in Riches with the care and attention your getting from jools :wub:

The neglect he's suffered is obvious, but look forward to seeing how quickly he progesses :thumbsup: He's not going to hang about for long :huggles:
What a sad life that poor boy has had until now, :huggles: :huggles: why o why do people even bother to keep a dog if they don't care about it, how can they watch them suffer it's beyond me, it makes me so sad :( I am so glad he will be happy now :)
Thank goodness for rescue :( I can't bear to think about what those poor dogs went through. Just look at him :'( I do hope you have some happy news about a home for him soon :luck:
awwww,poor lad,he does look sorry for himself doesnt he?its taken some neglect to get him into that state. :( glad hes landed on his feet with you.bless you for helping him.i bet he looks a cracker when hes better :wub: :thumbsup:
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This literally brings tears to my eyes - poor poor dog :( hopefully this is his past life - and his present one is looking up - and brighter by the minute thanks to you Jools. :cheers:
bless him, he may have had started life in a scanky shed but he sure looks like he could get used to that nice, warm fleecy bedding he's on :)

:luck: :wub: :wub: :wub: :luck:
Poor man, what a horrible life he has had up to now. :(

Glad that he being loved now. :huggles: :huggles:
One of the worst aspects of this story is that the other 4 broken coated dogs were in almost as bad condition - but they had known love, Rags hadn't. I can only presume that the marriage broke down shortly after Rags was born. It was the woman who owned the dogs, I don't know how anyone could have just walked out on them. The husband had asked for help from several rescues including the RSPCA, who as usual in this area were useless. They then heard about the dogs (probably through the website,) and wanted to get involved. Their "help" was declined. (Rags is not a publicity stunt!!!)

This morning was a cracker, he met me with the long, low rumbling growl of greeting that my whippets greet me with, I was near to tears :wub: - then he peed on the carpet and everything was back to normal! :oops:
jools said:
One of the worst aspects of this story is that the other 4 broken coated dogs were in almost as bad condition - but they had known love, Rags hadn't. I can only presume that the marriage broke down shortly after Rags was born. It was the woman who owned the dogs, I don't know how anyone could have just walked out on them. The husband had asked for help from several rescues including the RSPCA, who as usual in this area were useless. They then heard about the dogs (probably through the website,) and wanted to get involved. Their "help" was declined. (Rags is not a publicity stunt!!!)This morning was a cracker, he met me with the long, low rumbling growl of greeting that my whippets greet me with, I was near to tears  :wub:   - then he peed on the carpet and everything was back to normal! :oops:

Such a lovely tale ........

Poor little lad - at least hes got you now and hopefully a lovely new home in store, love him. :wub: :wub:
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Goodness....I was quite shocked at his condition when I saw these photos. :( Looking forward to the 'after' photos and comparing them to these 'before' photos. Good luck with him and good on you for agreeing to foster him. :thumbsup: What a horrible start in life he's had! :(
Not to knock the genuine work of the RSPCA, but i have found them to be next to useless up here too. One instance is a (i use the term loosely) 'Rescue' kennles near me was found to be neglecting the dogs. The lad from our pet shop had heard about the condition that the dogs were in and reported it to the RSPCA. No action was taken by them :angry: A few days later someone had told him that the dogs hadnt been seen to for 6 days, so, in the middle of the night he went to the kennels and broke in only to find all the dogs in an appalling state and close to death. He then went straight to the police station and told them that he had broken into the kennels and they could arrest him if they wished but he wanted the dogs out of there. All in all the RSPCA were called and the dogs were taken away except for a 6 week old Border Terrier pup which the lad fostered until he could rehome it. These people were claiming genuine donations for the Kennels and not looking after the dogs, they couldnt be prosecuted as none of the dogs had died!!!! How bizarre was that :blink: I have made enquiries about the kennels as they are no longer used and it seems a waste for them not to be used as rescue kennels as it is situated in some gorgeous countryside with lots of exercise space. There is a shortage in this area of rescue kennels and we do often find ourselves having to look after stray dogs that are handed to us (people must think we are a kennels!) as there are no places in any of the rescue kennels nearby.

I admire everything you do for Burnley Dog Rescue Jools, you deserve an award for the amount of dogs you have fostered :huggles:

Big hugs to Rags :huggles: :wub:
:huggles: BLESS HIM :huggles: so glad he's got to know warmth comfort & LOVE :wub: :wub: [SIZE=21pt]RAGS TO RICHES [/SIZE]brill job you all do :thumbsup: