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Racing Ig's

sue greenwood

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How do little Ig's compare in speed to whippets.Could you race with them? They are so beautiful. :wub:
Hi Sue,

I would LOVE to race my IG's- I think they would love it!

My male has been Afghan racing at Hinckley- he really enjoyed it, although for his first run I made the mistake of running him with my lurcher, who is very fast. As she drew away from him, he lost heart in the chase and came back to me! :- " The second time, he ran with my friend's young whippet and easily kept up with him. He did a circuit of the track (not sure how far but it is a Greyhound track) in 24 seconds, which was quicker than many of the Afghans. :wub:

I am going to try lure coursing him next year, along with his daughter who is a 14 inch high, 9lb speeding bullet! Unfortunately they can only do fun runs as IGs are a toy breed here, not sighthounds as they are classified in Europe.

We went to Chatsworth in 1999 when Piper(Whippet) was about 4 months old.She was far too young to take part but we watched the lure coursing display and an IG took part and did extremely well. So I would definately let yours have a go.Let us know our he and his daughter do.It's a shame they are counted as toy breeds they look game little characters and deserve a better status.
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IGs are classified as sighthounds (group 10) by the FCI. Would it be possible to get a change in the Kennel Club if the breed club wanted it? I personally don't like the term "toy" for any breed of dog - maybe a change in the name of the group would serve the same purpose.

I think it would be fair to say that they tend to be overlooked by some sighthound group judges at Scandinavian shows. Maybe that would be one reason why some actually might prefer to keep them in the toy group? Then again, I don't know how the IGs do in toy group finals at UK shows - I imagine they might not be favoured by those who prefer the cutesy breeds with more profuse coats?
They tend to be overlooked in favour of the hairys but quite frankly some IGs are just so unsound even the worst of Group judges would spot it :thumbsup: The majority of IGs would not stand out in a hound group. I would prefer to be in the hound group and then you wouldnt have to go to shows on two days :cheers:
I've seen them at shows I was interested in them racing.In this country we race Whippets and large Greyhounds I just wondered about the possibilities of racing Italian Greyhounds.It would be interesting to see how they would compete speed wise.24 seconds around a full circuit of a Greyhound track is quite fast .Maybe there should be a race set up especially for IG's.I'd love to see them. :wub:
They are raced in America and I believe abroad in Europe. If I manage to get any photos of any rcaing I will put them on, Jan
Hi everyone, here's a picture of my Tsarina on a racetrack. She only did it for fun, and when she was competing with other IG's she allways came in last, but she never gave up and in the end allways got a bite in the lure they used. Here in Belgium we race with all the sighthounds, they all seem to love it. :)

:) Mine race at the local whippet meet in Mansfield occasionally, but then mine are of the more sturdy type is all I can say. They also love to lure course as well. Jan Doherty is quite right when she says that the majority of Iggies wouldn't be able to do race etc because of fine bones. And yes, they should be in the hound group. Perhaps we should start a campaign to get them transferred.

Jan F
janfiers said:
:) Mine race at the local whippet meet in Mansfield occasionally, but then mine are of the more sturdy type is all I can say.  They also love to lure course as well.  Jan Doherty is quite right when she says that the majority of Iggies wouldn't be able to do race etc because of fine bones.  And yes, they should be in the hound group.  Perhaps we should start a campaign to get them transferred.
Jan F
OK, so who will start this campain? I'm all for it, then I can go to Crufts for 1 day and get to see my 2 favourite breeds, now I have to make a choice, which is very difficult.

About the IG's fine bones, mine also was of the more delicate type, but she never had any trouble running round the track, she really loved it (now she's a bit to old). :)
I would really like to try Gucci when she's old enough thought i'd see if they'd let me at Westhaughton maybe. She is of the stronger boned type and is quite big so sure she'd be fine but would run her on her own i think just incase she gets baulked. :( If they don't mind i'll see if anyone will take piccies of her to show you all! Not sure how old she would need to be can anyone give me advice please? Wouldn't like to do her harm but there again she has plenty of free running every day so she's fit and healthy. :wub: