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Racing Dog


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Hi, is there any way to stop my boy from running into other dogs instead of chasing the lure? He is very gobby, he is very much a bully. When he started racing he was good and chased the lure. Then he would chase a bitch if there was one racing now he has started chasing the others. Help any advice? The only other thing is of course is not letting him race.
Blinkers might work, it did with a bitch of mine, she used to barge across the track pushing dogs off course.
Lots of people make the mistake of letting pups run with others when they are young, and lots of whippets will mouth others around the neck, which they carry forward into racing,as its their form of play.

With your boy he could be playing, or being bossy in trying to stop another dog getting to his lure first.

I would take him back to basics, run him on his own, and try to get him more focused on the lure. Rag him at home, and maybe even add some food to the lure so he gets a treat when he has caught it. If he is young you might find he grows out of it, but well done you for trying to do something about it. So many people put their heads in the sand and do nothing - their dogs continue to tackle others, and then they say he was only barking or leaning on,which just infuriates the owners of dogs they are racing with.

I have used blinkers with one of mine when she was young. She never ever tackled another dog, but I saw her looking and that was enough for me to try and stop it before it started. Two of her siblings were tackling also, so I used the blinkers to focus her. She ran in them for 6 months until I felt she was OK. She (Dangermouse) ran until she retired at 10 and was never disqualified.

Most racers will sympathise and help you to get him out of it. Good luck, and stick at it cos racing is brilliant! Let us know how you get on :luck: