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Racing Champion Info


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im not by any means new to dogs but am pretty new to pedigree whippets ive been looking at all the posts on here and am wondering does the whippet racing world have a grand champion that has beat all the others or is it made up of different club champions,i dont want to cause upset im just a little cofused. the reason for this is im looking now for a potenial stud for my bitch next year and cant seem to get any of the right info through the posts. the bitch is wagtail warrior x deberick golden primrose bred in staffordshire now residing ing northern ireland :luck:
To be a champion the dog has to win its weight group at 2 championship events. We have the National Champs and WCRA champs
im not by any means new to dogs but am pretty new to pedigree whippets ive been looking at all the posts on here and am wondering does the whippet racing world have a grand champion that has beat all the others or is it made up of different club champions,i dont want to cause upset im just a little cofused. the reason for this is im looking now for a potenial stud for my bitch next year and cant seem to get any of the right info through the posts. the bitch is wagtail warrior x deberick golden primrose bred in staffordshire now residing ing northern ireland :luck:
There is no such thing as a "Grand Champion" in pedigree whippet racing.

If you get Rob Rixons book “A History of Pedigree Whippet Racing 1970-2010” it gives you a list of the dogs and their achievements at the Whippet Club Racing Association (WCRA) the lat 40 years, this could give you some guidance. :luck: Good luck in your search.
im not by any means new to dogs but am pretty new to pedigree whippets ive been looking at all the posts on here and am wondering does the whippet racing world have a grand champion that has beat all the others or is it made up of different club champions,i dont want to cause upset im just a little cofused. the reason for this is im looking now for a potenial stud for my bitch next year and cant seem to get any of the right info through the posts. the bitch is wagtail warrior x deberick golden primrose bred in staffordshire now residing ing northern ireland :luck:
If I was you I'd pm Longdog on here as Wagtail Warrior was Andrew and Alison's Desperado.

TBH there is more to choosing a stud dog than it having a title. Temperament is very important and so is construction.