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Rabbit Control

Pennymeadow Whippets

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After a call from a farmer needing help with a rabbit problem Nigelmcfc & Myself headed in to the dales to meet this farmer with the chance of gaining some new permission if we did a good job for him today we met in the local village & headed to the ground that needed looking at there was plenty of activity on the fields & in the neighborougs garden so after all the hand shaking with his tennants we set to work a good few chases for Gypsy got us going then a sound mark nets down & ferret in & out with 3 rabbits two in the nets one caught on the run by Gypsy we then moved on to a compost heap in the corner of a field & got another sound mark we put a few nets on & waited almost straight away another was accounted for in the nets & another for Gypsy as it tried to make good its escape as we were picking the nets up a man walked towards us he introduced himself & asked how we were doing we said all was going well he said he was an area manager for the local water authority which owned the next bit of land & he was alos having rabbit problems so being the gents that we are we offered our services he almost snatched our hands off granting permission on that site & taking one of the Magic cards promising to contact us about his other sites with rabbit problems off he went & on we got netting a few on his land & Gypsy adding another we then moved behind the house where Gypsy coursed a few more & we netted another we left the farmer & his tennant looking very happy with our results of 14 in the bag & more permission guarenteed as the farmers brother-in-law also has a rabbit problem so all in all a good day allround :)





An excellent day by the sound of it and a few more for the freezer, :thumbsup:

Waiting for the bolters


In the sewage works

A good day today. nice to get out in the spring sunshine even though it felt more like January than April .I had a call out of the blue last week from a landowner who had got my card off a friend. A bit late to be ferreting maybe, but the place we were on today had a definite rabbit problem that we had been asked to sort out. It`s funny how times are changing, a few years back we stopped ferreting in March and nothing would persuade me to start ferreting again until late August . We didn`t have to dig for a single one of the rabbits today either which was a bonus . A job well done , a happy landowner and his tenant an old lady was over the moon when she saw how many we had caught - they had been destroying her garden literally!!

An added bonus is that we will get more land out of it too , the waterboard man has promised us some land and the guy who owned the land we were on today has relatives who own alot of land in the same area . All in all a great day - thanks to Pennymeadow for his help and some good craic , cheers Jeff!! ;D