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Questionnaire of attachment and travel behaviour


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I'm JoJo and currently undertaking my Master's degree at Manchester Metropolitan University.

The focus will be on dogs and how dog owners make their decision while travelling with dogs.

Please help me complete this questionnaire and share the link to your friends.

Following is the link of my questionnaire:

Thank you very much!
Hi JoJo

I've filled in your survey for you, but I thought you'd want to know that I think there's something a bit amiss with your questions about frequency of taking your dog on holiday. We only go on holiday once a year but we never go without the dog, so although I state that I only take Molly once a year, that doesn't mean that we leave her at home the other times we go. Basically unless there's a reason why she has to stay at home, she goes with me everywhere I go.
Thank you very much! I'll put this into the limitation of my study about designing questionnaire.

If you have friends/relatives who keep dogs in the UK, please help me share the link to them. Thanks again.