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Questionnaire for attachment and travel behaviour


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My name is JoJo and I am currently studying for a Master’s degree in International Hospitality Management at Manchester Metropolitan University.

For this degree, I have to do a dissertation and my chosen topic is “Attachment to one’s pets: Does an attachment to one’s pet influence the travel behaviour of pet lovers in the UK?” The focus will be on dogs and how attached people are to their dogs and how decision made with regards travelling.

I would be grateful if you can complete this questionnaire which will contribute towards bridging the gap in knowledge in this area of study.

Here is the link for my questionnaire:

Thank you very much!
It's a pity I joined the forum too late as I've just come back from a trip with my dog, to the UK (much simpler since the new non-quarantine regulations were redefined, 29/12/2014).

As I was visiting family, and the grandchildren especially are attached to Caz (the dog), taking him with me meant I could spend longer with them and also meant no boarding costs back here in France! It did change the outings we could make though - we had to find child-friendly, dog-friendly places and activities ...

Back here my dog goes everywhere with me - if he can't, I don't, it's as simple as that!