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Question Re. Feeding Raw Tripe


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I'm asking this question for a friend who is not a forum member. She is planning on switching her lurchers from kibble to a diet of raw green tripe and biscuit but has no idea how much she should be feeding by weight, or in what proportion of tripe to biscuit, or even the best kind of biscuit to buy. I feed my dogs by eye, more or less according to how they look, and tripe is only a small part of their diet, so I couldn't help her. Her lurchers aren't much bigger then Finn, maybe 21-22" tts and 35 lbs max. All help gratefully received :))
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I think that feeding 2% daily of adult bodyweight as a rule of thumb works nicely - adding more if you need to (or less if you have a lazy dog :lol: )
Roughly i would say that a dog that size would need12-14 oz a day of tripe with just a small amount of biscuit.The best biscuit imo is laughing dog.

Obviously the amount will need to be adjusted if the dogs are gaining or losing weight.

Don't forget though that they will need to be supplement with seaweed powder & oil,& preferably feed chicken wings & veg as well :thumbsup: