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Question For The Horsey Peeps On K9


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Any advice would be appreciated...

I've had a pony on loan (sort of) for 4 months now. She is a 14hh Welsh C or D I think :b Her owner says she is 8, but she's had her for 5 years at least and I doubt very much that she would have bought a 3 year old as she was a ride and drive pony already I'm told (I've never seen her drive), so I'm guessing that she is nearer 11 or 12. What do you think is a fair price to pay for a pony like Honey?



I have a private lesson every week on her, although she's only 14hh she is strong and both our instructor and I feel that she is not suitable as a childs pony as she can also be strong willed (I guess they all can) and that she is better as a teenager or 'small' :huggles: adult's pony. She bolted off with the person that rode her before me as she didnt want to leave the horse she shared a field with.

She is currently shoeless as her owner beleives in barefoot (she has mack boots) and bitless; she is in a hackamore bridle and has apparently refused all other types of bits. I wonder if she has teeth problems ??? She also has small lumps o her bottom jaw which discharge a tiny bit of puss every few days. At first I thought it was a horse fly bite as it was only one side but we can feel a lump in the same place on the other side.

Needless to say I am in love with Honey and trying to persuage OH to buy her :wacko:

She is seeing an equine dentist in a few weeks when we'll get the teeth and lumps checked out. Is it also worth having a vet look over her as I have known her for 5 years and had her on loan for the last 4 months? Is there anything else we should consider before buying her?

A bit more info: She has been schooled in the past but this was only walk/trott/canter and it was never kept up. I have had to basically start again, and we have been doing small jumps too, as well as being the only person to have hacked her out regularly. She now hacks alone or in company. She has never competed in any discipline, although I think she'd love x-country. Her owner wants £2500 for her, but my friends and I feel that this is too much and that she's unlikely to sell her for that much to anyone else as she is unproven. Ofcourse she is worth that to me as you cant put a price on love :wub: and we do have a very good relationship :huggles:
OMG £2500?? (w00t) sorry, i know you say you love her and of course you cant put a price on that but from a realistic point of view that is a ridiculous amount of money, I know of good competition PC ponies that would probaly be less than that ( well bred, with papers, maybe BSJA winnings etc) It would be hard to put a price on her without seeing her in action but i would say around the £800 mark myself. I sold my 16hh ID x TB competiton horse, 8yrs old for just slightly more than 2500. You should look in local horse mags, etc to get ideas of what prices for similar. Also as reagrds to her teeth than i would guess she prob does have mouth problems - she should go in a bit, obviously certian bits would be more suited to her than others, the same with any horse, but its not normal that she can only be rode wearing a hackamore - these do need experienced hands to as contary to what some people think they can be harsh as the action works like a pulley system on the horses poll and could ultimalty lead to back problems :thumbsup: I would get a dentist or vet to check over her teeth, I used to have my horses rasped every 12months, also they will be able to give you an approx age :thumbsup: It sounds like she could be older than you were told as most horses are only backed when they are 3 and only just broken and going when they are 4 ( the the exception of racers of course) Also her back is very dipped which is also a age indicater, althought some horses do naturally have high withers, but hers does seem rather exaggerated.

Hope this helps some. :cheers:
She certainly looks older than 8 to me, but im no expert. I agree with whippynit - get a vets healthcheck and see if she is sound and what she is capable of doing.

It does sound a very high price for a horse like this, but Rae if you love her ...then you cant put a price on her. :huggles:

If her teeth are checked by a vet or horse dentist then they will give you a much better indication of her age and health too.

Sounds like you love her warts and all.....go on go for her....but Id negotiate if it was me. :cheers: I bought a one years ago for a mere £100 ..he looked like a nag..but I loved him to bits.
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Thanks :)

I've looked in the local papers at horses and there are some going for 2.4-2.7x - but they have all won at PC or XCountry etc, so I know she's over priced, just not by how much.

Seeing her in action made me laugh - there's not a lot to see bless her :b
Janimal said:
Sounds like you love her warts and all.....go on go for her....but Id negotiate if it was me. :cheers:   I bought a one years ago for a mere £100 ..he looked like a nag..but I loved him to bits.
She is owned by a prolific dog breeder so money talks :( £100 sounds more like it Janis - I'm sure OH would agree to it then :thumbsup:

I might contact the riding school she was at to be schooled and ask what they think she is worth :- "
oH gosh I didnt mean shes worth £100 ....oh god no, more than that (w00t) ... I was referring to my own - I bought him in the seventies....

you couldnt buy one for that type of money these days. :- "
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personally wouldnt go above 1500, here most generally riding ponies are around the 1500 mark, however if she is all you want and wish for then????? she does seem to have health issues so please get her vet checked even if its just to have on paper what is wrong with her for the future , there is no price for love and happiness , :wub:

good luck and i hope your dream comes true :luck: :huggles:

just get a range of prices in papers and ads and show your friend , she may just be following what someone else has suggested :thumbsup:
And another thing...she is sooooo good with the dogs - Leia ran right past her after a bunny yesterday and she didnt flinch at all. (Although I dont make a habit of doing that - it was just Leia being disobedient as normal :( )
Janimal said:
oH gosh I didnt mean shes worth £100 ....oh god no,  more than that (w00t) ... I was referring to my own - I bought him in the seventies....
you couldnt buy one for that type of money these days. :- "

Sorry Janis I realised that's what you meant - just wishful thinking on my part :lol:
sounds like shes fairly bomb proof then too :lol:

Im sure you would shape her up nicely Rae... :) and give her an excellent home :thumbsup: I just need a caravan now so I can come and visit.... I love her face and eyes she looks such a sweet soul :wub:
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She looks a real sweetheart :wub: but although some ponies fetch silly money these days they're usually the ones that have a good competition record or are absolute patent safety, push button rides. From what you've said she wouldn't suit a child or a novice, so her owners should be pleased that you've been prepared to work on her and have her on loan - she wouldn't necessarily be easy to sell - I think £1000 would be more realistic - including tack if possible.

(w00t) flaming heck did the queen use to own her or sumit i used to have horse very similar and i paid £600 (w00t) shes gorguse by the way :huggles:
Have to agree with everyone on here,although to you she is priceless,the owner is dreaming if she wants that price.Her prospects of getting a better price would be to sell her as ride and drive,but anyone with driving experience will sense a problem straight away,once types of bits are mentioned.She would need to be very light in the mouth to be a decent driving prospect, so I think the problems with her mouth and the fact that she has done nothing ride wise,means you're proberbly looking £800-£1000.There is ofcourse breeding,but again without her breeding being proven then don't think this would add much too price.Might just pay to get her vetted if the vet finds something in your favour you've got a good bargaining tool.Good luck :luck: and let us know how you get on :D Karen
I think from what you've told me already the woman is being greedy :angry: she should be yours :huggles: :huggles: she would be much better looked after with you :thumbsup: but she is worth as much as you are willing to pay :)

I have to say though I've met Honey and what a character she is o:) :wub: all my top was wet where she was licking me( while she wasn't trying to steal flowers out of the hanging baskets :oops: :teehee: ) she's lovely :wub: :wub:
Honey's owner obviously knows how much you love her, and is using your emotional involvement to extract money from you. The horse dentist should be able to tell you her age pretty acurately. You can also have a go, look at this link;

age by teeth

The "Galvayne's Groove" should be very helpful to your argument

Gett the vet to make a report with everything negative and start bargaining

:luck: :luck: :luck:
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Thanks for the advice and support everyone. :D

Honey's owner is a dog breeder of several breeds, and very money orientated, but we live in a very small community so for the good of everyone I cant rock the boat too much. If she was asking a more realistic price I'd have better luck in persauding my OH anyway.......

I think I'll wait till she sees the equine vet and take it from there.

Talking about passports today, as they only came in 2 years ago, I KNOW her owner will try to pass her off as 8 when I know it just isnt true. I sort of wish I hadn't got involved at all because I'm going to have to wrangle over money, age, shoes, bits the farrier, everything, until we eventually (hopefully) buy her. I'd never do it again :( Mind you, I've heard enough horror stories now to have put me off buying a horse without having it on loan first .....

On a brighter note, we've been in a horse box this afternoon with our friends and their horses/ponies, and all had a lesson in a 'proper' arena, and been cantering and jumping :D I feel so pleased with myself :b , and Honey :wub:
whippynit said:
OMG £2500?? (w00t)   sorry, i know you say you love her and of course you cant put a price on that but from a realistic point of view that is a ridiculous amount of money, I know of good competition PC ponies that would probaly be less than that ( well bred, with papers, maybe BSJA winnings etc) It would be hard to put a price on her without seeing her in action but i would say around the £800 mark myself.  I sold my 16hh ID x TB competiton horse, 8yrs old for just slightly more than 2500. You should look in local horse mags, etc to get ideas of what prices for similar.  Also as reagrds to her teeth than i would guess she prob does have mouth problems - she should go in a bit, obviously certian bits would be more suited to her than others, the same with any horse, but its not normal that she can only be rode wearing a hackamore - these do need experienced hands to as contary to what some people think they can be harsh as the action works like a pulley system on the horses poll and could ultimalty lead to back problems :thumbsup:   I would get a dentist or vet to check over her teeth, I used to have my horses rasped every 12months, also they will be able to give you an approx age :thumbsup:   It sounds like she could be older than you were told as most horses are only backed when they are 3 and only just broken and going when they are 4 ( the the exception of racers of course) Also her back is very dipped which is also a age indicater, althought some horses do naturally have high withers, but hers does seem rather exaggerated.
Hope this helps some. :cheers:

I agree entirely with what Lisa has written. My immediate thoughts from looking at her picture was that she is almost certainly a good few years older than 8 - from the dipped back. Will she let you look at her teeth? If you could photograph the side view of her teeth we could give you a better idea? :thumbsup:
Rae said:
we live in a very small community so for the good of everyone I cant rock the boat too much.

Ooh, don't you just love village life sometimes, especially where the four-legged are concerned :- " :nuke: :b :lol:

Good luck, she looks smashing. Hope you get a deal sorted out soon, and that any problems she may have are not too serious. :luck:
From what I read about horses and prices up here (Scotland) I think £800 would be a good price for the seller. Maybe £1000 if you could see her drive and she was steady. With ANY veterinary problems the price drops to around £500.

Please don't pay £2500 - that's criminal!
Well, the good news is that OH has agreed to buying Honey :D I'm so excited I couldn't sleep last night. :b

I've rang round a few vets today to get prices for a vet check (she needs one for her insurance) and vaccines. Prices vary hugely, and I'm going to mull it over but we'll probably get it done next week when it's a bit dryer.

I've told her owner that we are going to buy her, so once the check is done it's just a matter of agreeing opn a price (w00t)

I'm also on the look out for a decent field shelter if anyone can recommend any manufacturers I'd be grateful.

:D :D :D