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Whippets Rule

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my friend who is a vet has bought me some chinese painted quail eggs and they are currently in his incubator.

they are due to hatch on Thursday/friday next week, i have a couple of books and have done some reading online but am looking for any handy tips or hints etc from anyone who may keep them already.

once they hatch and i know how many there are i can then go buy an aviary for them.

if anyone has them i'd love to see pictures too xx
there great, but you need 4 for a decent casserole (w00t) be careful when you house them as the cocks can be aggressive (they fight them in Asia) and will need seperating :luck:
My parents used to have them, but from adults - only tip I have is lift a large stone, sweep the mass of woodlice into a dustpan and scatter them in for the quail - they go wild for them and you can rest assured no woodlouse will escape with its life!!
ooo I just love them..such lovely little birds.. :huggles: no advice sorry but good luck with them.. :luck:
thanks for the replies...i'm quite looking forward to the hatching but not sure if any will make it....don't know how easy they are to hatch but when i go to the vets on Thursday i've got to set up the brooder tank ready for the chicks.

i saw some adult chinese painted quail yesterday and they are so tiny but absolutely gorgeous...the eggs we have are the red breasted chinese painted quail.

there were only twelve eggs so if any at all hatch it will probably only be a couple, just hope they're not both cocks :lol: