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Quadruple success


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I had to take Eddi to the vet for vaccinations today, he's been 4 times already, the last time just before Christmas, when he barked - alot. Today, he didn't bark, he whimpered and trembled, but he didn't bark. He didn't snap or growl when the needle went in.(So proud of him)

On the second walk, there are two dogs always behind a gate, if the gate is closed, I can pass, sometimes, like today they hear us from behind their house and they barked. Eddi always barks at them if they bark first. I brought him down the riverbank, told him to find the sausage and he barked once. Not long after, he looked back from where we'd come, I could tell by his face that he's seen something, I looked back and there was a large Husky about 60 metres away, I said 'let's go' another ploy I use, then a bit later 'find it', for the sausage, he looked back a few times but didn't bark. We finish the day on a high!!!!
(I started a new thread because credit where credit is due. Yay may dog).
Yay! Great news :) you must feel so much more positive now, you may not always finish on a high but you know he has it in him , what a good boy :rolleyes:
Yay! Great news :) you must feel so much more positive now, you may not always finish on a high but you know he has it in him , what a good boy :rolleyes:
I tell him 'You're a good boy- sometimes.'
Brill news! Your doing amazingly well keep up with what your doing with your doggie :)
Aw, thanks.:) The trainer said he can be trained, but as we know, it will take time.
Yes it will take time but at least your getting somewhere with all your hard work, any dog can be trained in my eyes! :)
Not exactly success, but a bit of hope for the future. We have a bit of land adjacent to the house, we bought both last year, it is in a bit of a mess, as it was used a bit as a dump. Initially, when we sat out there for our lunch break when clearing it , Eddi had to be on a tether as we hadn't sorted out the bottom of the fence. Even though he could come and sit with us, he didn't. Today, the OH half is working down there and I made us sandwiches and we sat on our chairs to eat them. Eddi came over, spent most of the time with us as we were eating, food motivated, but sat and stared ahead as we drank our coffees. Our other dog always used to sit with us, she was a lot older in the later years, but it felt like Eddi is more like our dog. He wandered off once, then came back again and just sat with us. I hope he can do this on a campsite. He also used to go nuts running up and down a fence which has chickens on the other side and he used to bark at a dog a bit further down the street which barks at everything that passes, he hasn't barked once today, nor for the last few weeks when he's been down there he's getting used to it. Come on boy, we can have a good life together if you keep this up.
I am so proud of my little chap. I can ask him to sit, then put a treat on the floor a long way away from him and tell him to stay, he waits until I give the command before he goes and gets the treat. I did it with 3 treats in a line today, he had to wait then get the first sit and wait, get the second then sit and wait and get the third, all on command. I've tried it before and he couldn't wait, he did 2 runs out of three today only failing on one treat that was n the middle. He's brilliant at touch now and understands 'find it'. I was telling the OH what I did on a walk last night which involved me saying 'find it', he was looking at him, but quickly looked at me with his ears pricked up.

This is all painfully slow, but he is making progress and it seems to be exponentially better each week.
Brilliant! You are going to develop a wonderful bond with Eddi:)
We have been stop/starting in terms of keeping Eddi,he was such a feral dog, but now he seems to bonding with us, it would be really hard to give him up. When he barks and wants to kill things I despair. He hasn't tried to kill things since the first week we had him, but that's because he doesn't get the opportunity.
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There are some good dog training videos out there, and if I was using them with my Beagle, they would be great. However, only one has ever shown a demented dog like mine, and I couldn't find the follow up video. I've just watched one where the presenter is moaning about this dog, 'How can people do this? Two minutes and my arm is aching'. If Eddi walked as well as that dog I would be over the moon. All the dogs in the videos are calm and compliant, Eddi used to go flat when his pulling was at it's worst. Even on a collar, he would die before he'd stop pulling. The ones that offer the 'quick fix' use prong collars. I don't like those, anyone else used one? I'm trying to bond with this dog, not scare him off.
What about a walking belt while you work on this? It takes the strain off your shoulders and upper back, and you can use your body weight to counter balance him pulling? I think you said somewhere that you have a bad back but it might be worth trying. And does squeezy cheese push his buttons? You can hold it in your lead hand and deliver teeny amounts at a time to keep him close, while saying your cue word (heel, close or whatever) to help with training him. Please don't use a prong collar on him.
What about a walking belt while you work on this? It takes the strain off your shoulders and upper back, and you can use your body weight to counter balance him pulling? I think you said somewhere that you have a bad back but it might be worth trying. And does squeezy cheese push his buttons? You can hold it in your lead hand and deliver teeny amounts at a time to keep him close, while saying your cue word (heel, close or whatever) to help with training him. Please don't use a prong collar on him.
I have history of a bad back and for the last two weeks it's been awful, I haven't had a flare up for ages Maybe a walking belt would work. I won't use a prong collar, he would get resentful. Zak George is the best I've seen so far in terms of showing mad dogs that he's trying to train. Just watched one now, so I'm going to try some of his methods on the walk. They are all much of a muchness, but often the dog just does what the handler wants it to and is not very helpful, with this guy, you can see the dog has never been trained before, therefore he goes through the stages you need to work through.
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