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Pups Wanted


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I have a friend in Wales that knows two people that are looking for pups, one is the brother to Mr, Jenings that used to own Haymaker, the other is a chap who is a pest controler, that means a bit of rabbiting etc, He wants a bitch that will make about 35-40 lb maybe someone has a dog that is not up to racing that needs a good home, this owner will look after this dog along with his other bitch that is getting to old to work. The other chap is looking for a smaller DOG FOR RACING.

If anyone has any contacts that are looking to sell pups, the contact name is,

Terry Davis 02920 867457.
:( yearling dog for sale due to no fault of his own, 13 months old , vaccinated honest and doing good times for his age, more to find 36lb in weight light fawn, breeding casino x dazzling anne, must be good home. see sue with pips pride
That's not Chickadee Cherrybum that has to find a new home is is Sue ? :(

Someone snap this dog up quick !!!
:( yes it icant go at the mo as hes injured his shoulder tonight in the handycap sods law aint it