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puppy worming

I'm not sure when, hopefully someone else will know. I just remember Oliver taking it i think it was fortnightly? He would've been 8wks then. Sorry
Worming should start at 2 weeks and 2 weekly thereafter until around the 12 week stage.
Speak to your vet about an easy product to use for young puppies.
2 week old will not be eating solids yet, so granules can not be added to their food. As you have mentioned a paste or a liquid will be best, given directly.
When is Olive due for her next worming treatment?
Weren't you going to the vet with them all a day or two ago for a check up - did your vet not advise you?
yes we went but she never mentioned it but I believe you worm them at 2 weeks of age?
Worming should start at 2 weeks and 2 weekly thereafter until around the 12 week stage.
Speak to your vet about an easy product to use for young puppies.
2 week old will not be eating solids yet, so granules can not be added to their food. As you have mentioned a paste or a liquid will be best, given directly.
When is Olive due for her next worming treatment?
she was only wormed before she was given over to me as she was a stray so I'm not sure
General Puppy Health: Vaccinations, Fleas & Health Checks

It's usually recommended that you worm adult dogs every three to six months, though I don't know if there's any restrictions on worming dogs who are feeding pups. Worming frequency may also depend on the product used, though, so beware of any advice given on the internet and ask your vet when there's any doubt.
Worming should start at 2 weeks and 2 weekly thereafter until around the 12 week stage.
Speak to your vet about an easy product to use for young puppies.
2 week old will not be eating solids yet, so granules can not be added to their food. As you have mentioned a paste or a liquid will be best, given directly.
When is Olive due for her next worming treatment?
she was only wormed before she was given over to me as she was a stray so I'm not sure
General Puppy Health: Vaccinations, Fleas & Health Checks

It's usually recommended that you worm adult dogs every three to six months, though I don't know if there's any restrictions on worming dogs who are feeding pups. Worming frequency may also depend on the product used, though, so beware of any advice given on the internet and ask your vet when there's any doubt.
okay thanks ive spoke to my vetanary friend who said every 2 - 3 weeks for the puppies...
Has Anyone breed a dog and can give me advice? anyone that has experience worming puppies welcome....
You should speak to a trained vet.
Advice has been given, but if you are not sure you can also "google" worming products that are safe to give both young puppies and their lactating mothers. There are safe products to use from 2 weeks of age.
You should speak to a trained vet.
Advice has been given, but if you are not sure you can also "google" worming products that are safe to give both young puppies and their lactating mothers. There are safe products to use from 2 weeks of age.
I spoke to my vet but she wasn't very helpful... that's why I was asking for advice on google it doesn't give me a strait forward answer...