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Puppy weeing in crate at night


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My almost 6 moth old puppy can hold it for around 6 hours in the day but last night, bearing in mind he had 2 long walks yesterday so was shattered and I fed him at 4, did his toileting trip and bed at 9.30pm but still up at 2.30 for a pee? His last drink was about 7? How can he longer in the day?? I've also tried going to bed later. Will he just eventually grow out of this??
OK basically puppies need the 'wee muscle' to mature before they can hold it. I've had a puppy that was able to at 14 weeks and my present boy that took 7 months to go all night. of course I've never used crates and (IMO please so don't get on my case!) the anxiety a pup feels about soiling their own bed adds to the problem.:( At the moment if he can't wait he can't. I'm pretty sure when he can he will. Two last things- you might try a puppy pen so that he has a bed and separate place to have accidents- less miserable for him. And of course a urinary infection can cause more frequent weeing so if this is going from bad to worse get a sample to your vet for testing.

He will be house trained eventually- I despaired of our current boy but at 2 years he comes on holiday and stays in nice hotel rooms!;)
Can you try him outside of his crate he has been soiling his bed before he may have anxiety being in the crate ...
Spoke to soon. I went to get at half 8 last night and my husband gets up for work at 4 and he hadn't done anything!!! Lol about to get up. It's just odd days is that normal? I'm not.doing anything diff?