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Puppy Neck Size


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Hi all, again,

I know I posted a similar question the other week on puppy coat size, so I'm sorry if i'm getting annoying with these type of questions! But I was wondering if you could give me a rough idea of a bitch puppys neck size at 8-10 weeks? I know it varies a lot, but an estimate would be great. I've seen a lovely little collar on Ebay you see, which I'd need to get in the next 2 days, but not sure if it'd be big enough. It says its 13" long, for a 11" neck. Is that too small?

Thank you! :)
I would say it would be way too big for an 8 - 10 week old!! She'll grow into it though! LOL!
I'd buy that size for my adult whippet. You're better off getting a cat collar for a tiny pup. Obviously that won't do when you start lead-walking her, but it'll be fine for now :thumbsup: Don't spend too much because she'll have grown out of it in a few short weeks.
My Whippet bitch Evie wore an Italian Greyhound sized collar until she was 6 months old :) So a cat sized collar would be ideal for your little one :thumbsup:
Thank you all for your replies :)

It's only going to cost £4 so if it is too big, I can always just sit and look at it anyway ;) ... it's too pretty! :D

It says 7" to 11" so maybe it'll do for when she's bigger, and yes, a cat collar is an excellant idea!

Thanks again.
Sorry Tea juice, but this post did make me laugh (w00t)

I was a nightmare when I got my first pup, and very quickly had a drawer full of "outgrown" and "to grow into" collars. It's okay though, I got another pup and reused everything :- "
have you got your little puppy yet ? whatever collar she 1st wears will end up frayed and scratched to bits as they really hate it at first, so you'd be better off saving her pretty collars for when she's got used to them in a few weeks when she will have already grown :D
Julie D - no she's not here yet, another 5 weeks to wait, although only another 2 weeks before I can go and see her again! The wait is killing me! hehe
I use an ordinary puppy collar at first just to get them used to wearing one, got it for Spry and now passed on to kane they grow out of them so quickly,thats why I have to keep getting puppies so the collars and small coats don't go to waste :- " good luck with your new puppy when the time comes :luck: :luck: lots of pics please :thumbsup:
Julie D said:
have you got your little puppy yet ? whatever collar she 1st wears will end up frayed and scratched to bits as they really hate it at first, so you'd be better off saving her pretty collars for when she's got used to them in a few weeks when she will have already grown  :D
All my collars look quite a mess now - even the 'good' ones - they are always rolling in something - and yes Joanna you were right - those grooves in the collars are perfect for collecting muck (w00t) :lol:

I started off with a thin narrow collar made of webbing then progressed to a tan leather narrow collar then eventually the fishtails. :thumbsup: