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My dog puppy is 7 and a half months old, I have shown him at a couple of shows and his movement is very loose compared to all the minor puppies that are around the same age.

He is physically quite immature also, I know this will come with age and I suppose when the muscle development improves as will his movement, but I was just hoping for some comments from those that are wiser than me!! Has anyone had similar experiences??

At the moment he just looks such baby in the ring compared to any of the others!!
I wouldn't be too worried about him. Some puppies mature more quickly than others, and there are a numbr of well known show dogs that were lightly (or never) shown as puppies because they looked too gangly. Some take until they are about 2 years old before they stop looking like spiders! You might find it useful to talk to his breeder and the owner/breeder of his sire and find out if he comes from a slow-maturing line. If his movement is loose, as you said, it should tighten up as he gains muscle tone.
Hi, agree with Vanna here, also, puppies all go through stages when they are loose, they just do it at different times. Along with a lot of other horrendous growth stages, when they don't always look like whippets! :0

i.e. bum high, ears all over the place, one week their legs shoot up, another week they seem to lengthen in body. Until your pup has finished, which really can take 2 yrs (or if you're really unlucky - longer !!!!!). Don't worry.

From 8 wks until 18mths/2yrs, your little boy will change a lot, hopefully at the 18mths/2yrs age, you have what you saw at 8 wks again. :D

Yes, agree with the above. Frodo only had about 4 shows in puppy because he looked like a 5 month old for ages. Hes just out of junior now and looking better but still isnt finished and still seems so young to me. So give you dog loads of time and just try to make sure he enjoys himself at the shows win or loose until he matures.
Thanks everyone for the help - I have already entered him in about 4 other Champ shows this summer, should I still put him in?? I suppose it would be a waste of money just to not put him in, so I should do as Karen suggests and just make it is as fun as possible. :D

Do you think it could spoil his chance when older if he is continually not placed due to his immaturity when young?? I mean if he is not placed due other faults then thats fine but I was wondering whether it is best for him to only be showed very lightly until he is more mature?
I say go to the shows Joe - have fun :D and treat them as learning opportunities as well for you and your dog.

All the best,
Hi Joe

I agree with previous comments and I am sure that we have all been there showing leggy, loose moving babies. Just keep on going & both enjoying the day, maturity will come eventually and if any judge is worth their weight they will not penalise on previous placings as maturity does come. Its on the day not past or future. Have fun :p and good luck to you both

I am having my second go at judging shortly - Not that I havent been asked I must add. My 1st appointment gave me so much stress I felt unable to accept until recently :D

and now I have 2 shows in fairly quick succession mmmmmmmmmm

As we have many very experienced judges on here a question on judging puppies.

When a particularly immature pup comes in the ring (say at an all breed Open show where there is only a puppy class) and it is against a 12 month old mature dog.

What factors go through your mind when judging the 2 and how do you get to a decision?
Hello Dawn,

Don't become anxious over judging. It's a learning experience. We have all classes at open shows here in Queensland. Baby puppy, Minor, Puppy, Junior, Intermediate, Aust. Bred and Open in both sexes. These classes are governed by age limits with the exception of Open which is from 6months onwards. Now dosn't that make you feel better already. When you have two dogs in the ring one just comming into the age group and maybe the other just about going out of the age judge what you see on the day not what you may think will happen. I believe I am there to judge what is before me. Yes, so you saw this whippet as a young animal and would have loved to take it home. That was another time and this is today. Remember don't fault judge look for all the good things in each exhibit and award accordingly. If you have two exhibits you believe to be of similar quality ask them to move out and back you will possibly be able to separate them by movement. Most of all have fun and enjoy your self. Best wishes to you and let me know what happens. Jill Marks
I tend not to think too hard about how old the puppies are in the classes. A 6 month old may just be better constructed than the older ones, they may be steadier on the move but might not be so correct. But then again I dont try to think what the youngsters may be like in 6 months time I find it easier to see on the day. At open shows I do think the bitches have an advantage as they seem to look finished earlier, but then some dog pups look cockier and more showy. So IMO you will find so much more to look at and compare perhaps maturity will be down the list. Just really slow down and let yourself enjoy it, the people have come for your opinion, I have stewarded a few times for first time judges and lots of them go so fast!! I think its because they subconciously think speed equals knowledge of the breed but then they end up missing something. I know you wont have that trouble dawn because youve looked a lot and know what you like.

Joe, If you havnt shown much I would go to all the shows, its good for both of you, and I would really try to get my handling skills A1 because this can make a difference to the shape of the dog.