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Puppy Home Alone Desperate Advice Needed Please

Four smith

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We have a fab 19 wk bedlington who is an absolute love and super well behaved.the idea when we got him was a family member was going to help out while I was at work.anyhow long story short due to illness this is no longer an I am left now having to work and desperate to keep my lovely lovely pup.atm I am working six hours a day including travel time.i do get home for a fourty five min slot to let him out feed and walk and play with him,work have been fab about this.

But he is in his crate for up to four hours prior to my break.i feel absolutely gutted about this and it was never the initial plan.when I get home he is fine,obviously super happy to see me.i leave the radio on he has an area for bed and an area for toys water kong toys etc

After the work day is over he is never alone and sleeps in a lovely comfy kennel in our bedroom which he seems to love.

I really want him to be happy and a huge part of our life's but I am so worried I am doing it all wrong.

Absolutely any advice is greatly appreciated.he is our first ever doggy and we adore him
It's not an ideal situation but maybe there are things you could do to help .

Would a dog walker or paid person to go in a spend some time with him while you are out be an option ?

There may be someone , perhaps a retired person living nearby who does not want a full time dog but would be happy to spend some time with yours while you are out for a small fee ?

You could leave him with different things to amuse him before you go out and after you have been in to spend time with him ?

Would doggy day care be an option ?

Whe he is older you could make sure he is well walked before you go out and when you come back . Obviously he is too young for big walks at present .
Oh dear - it isn't ideal really - as Hula says, can you find someone to come in or a friend of mine drops her dog off with her elderly parents whilst she is at work.

We would all love to see a picture of him!
Yes, my thoughts are also to get some help - probably paid, as they might be more reliable! - and see how things go. It is not good that the little one be cooped up for so long, so it would pay to get help in the long run. Try your vet. They maybe able to help point you to someone reliable. Do you know your neighbours well enough to ask their help in their home??? They might love to look after a little boy like this - part time!!

Good luck! Keep us posted and send us some snaps!

Sadie x
Looking at the positives rather than the negatives. Dog walker/sitter? When he is older spending time on his own will not be the same issue or could you take him to work with you?
Ok I could pay someone to come in,I am not well off but hopefully it would not be if I do that how long is it ok to leave him alone?

And how old should he be when I do leave him for up to four hours?

The difficulties with leaving such a young pup for long periods of time is that stuff like house training are going to be far harder, as successful house training needs constant attention until they are old enough to hold their bladder for longer periods of time, he may get to the point where he toilets in his crate and house because he knows no different , pups do and will sleep for long periods so at the moment its not so bad ,its more about when he is awake making the most of that time to reinforce house rules, walking socialising etc, yes a dog walker would be great but little and often is better than an hour or so in one go , mainly for health reasons, too much exercise can be as bad as not enough while bones and joints are still developing .

Ultimately while not ideal dogs do adapt, and will get used to being left as they dont have a real concept of time, you hear of dogs coping well with being left for 8 hours at a time when people are working, just dont expect training to go as quickly or smoothly as it could.

Good luck with finding a solution .
The time you leave him isn't so bad really. especially since you do come to see him once during the day; the problem is that he is so young. So an investment in some doggy day care may be good for the short-term; you shouldn't have to continue that when he's more mature. I wonder can you get a super big crate for him or make a small room "puppy safe" . I see you already provide kong and music. I would also consider a canine companion, but in the short term that could cause more problems than it solves. If you feel up to having two dogs, it would probably be best to bring in the second one at the start of a week's holiday.
Thanks for the replies very helpful.he is fully trained re tilting,goes to door and taps the blind to be let out every time.he sits lies down on command and has great recall when off the lead.

He really is a lovely doggie.

He has two Thirty inch crates fixed together one with a bed in one with water and toys.he does not chew in distress and ATM when I get home he's yawning like mad so obviously I am waking him when I come home.

I take him out for half hour morning ad lunch and again off the lead at the park in the evening.

A second dog is not an option for cost issues such as insurance vets practice plan etc

How long is suitable to leave him before I get someone to pop in and how old til he can go four hours alone?
It sounds like he is doing really well already from what you have said. Maybe try a couple of hours on his own, somebody to go in and then wait till you are back. Perhaps by about six months he could very well be going a four hour period. Only you know the arrangements that you had planned with your relative. You also need to look at how your dog is coping. Some cope better and more quickly than others. I certainly would not be considering more exercise than you currently are at this stage.

I certainly think another dog would not be a good idea and could upset the regime you already have rather than help.
Thanks whippet, my dad was going to help but is now having cancer treatment.its not ideal leaving our dog alone but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place ATM.i have taken a lot of leave in December so I can be with him.hestarts puppy class in January and I have tonight found a local dog walker who is happy to just pop round for a toilet break and play.we will be doing introductions this week. By January he will be six months and hopefully able to continue to manage the four hous.i am determined to make this work cos he has totally changed my kids are teens so they can help in holidays too.

I am hoping he will continue to be fine I mean there must be thousands of dog owners who have to work.

My dad was helping until two weeks ago but treatments clash with my work and are leaving him wiped out
I think you and your dog will be fine with the arrangement you have planned. I would like the dog to have more space, but you can do that when he's older. Unfortunately some dogs go on chewing things they shouldn't, well past teething. Sounds like your dog is quite laid back, however. I hope you don't have to work longer hours in future and I'm sorry to hear about your dad's bad health.
Thanks whippet, my dad was going to help but is now having cancer treatment.its not ideal leaving our dog alone but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place ATM.i have taken a lot of leave in December so I can be with him.hestarts puppy class in January and I have tonight found a local dog walker who is happy to just pop round for a toilet break and play.we will be doing introductions this week. By January he will be six months and hopefully able to continue to manage the four hous.i am determined to make this work cos he has totally changed my kids are teens so they can help in holidays too.

I am hoping he will continue to be fine I mean there must be thousands of dog owners who have to work.

My dad was helping until two weeks ago but treatments clash with my work and are leaving him wiped out

Wishing your Dad all the very best. I am sure that your dog will cope admirably with whatever arrangements you think will be best. All dog owners have to work and it sounds as though what you are doing is working well for you both. I am sure that your dog will appreciate the time you have taken off during December but do remember he also needs to spend time on his own whilst you are off so that when you do go back to work it is not an issue :D In an ideal world we would all be able to stay at home with our beloved pets but in reality that is just not possible. It seems that you have your dog's welfare and best interests at heart.
Thanks all.i love this little fella so much it's ridiculous.I will work it out.good point about him still being alone when I am off.i can choose the time length then...I will be asking for loads of advice I am sure
Oh so cute!

We had a bandana for our Goldie - I ought to get one for Ripples too!

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