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Puppy eating own poo, ugh ?

Chris and Lynne

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Our very lovely 14 week old Parson Russell ,if we miss stopping her, eats her own poo! I know dogs sometimes do this but Why?? Is there owt we can feed her to help stop it? Is there owt we can do to stop it??
Best advice I can give you is to stay with her whenever she goes and pick it up straight away to stop her eating it, offer her a very high value reward (like a tiny piece of cheese or cold meat, something she does not normally get) and make a huge fuss of her when she comes to you for the treat and hopefully she will start having a poop then running straight to you for a reward. I had an old beagle bitch who ate her own and anyone else's poop that she found! I tried pineapple juice, curry powder, hot chilli sauce, muzzling her, nowt worked so good luck to you, you have a young pup so hopefully training should stop her developing this rank habit :flowers:
A dog eats it own feaces when its lacking something in its diet.

Try feeding it more...

Good foods like chicken... mince... and cooked veg...