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Puppy desperate to eat grass in the mornings?


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Hi all,

I am new here so will give you a bit of info about my pup.

Snoop is an 8 month old chi-chon (chichuaua x bichon frise), She is a great dog, not yet come into season. I rescued her and got her at 15 weeks.

Over the last 4 weeks or so about 3 times a week she has started waking me up through the night desperate to go out - at first i thought it was for the toilet however i noticed that she goes running into the garden to eat grass. She then goes to the toilet.

When we first got her i noticed that she did eat grass everytime she is out in the garden and still does however these early mornings are a new thing! When she drinks water she kind of coughs - originally i thought this was a chichuaua thing but now i am not so sure and am getting quite worried.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am considering taking her to the vets?

Thanks :)