Well done to all the winners at the pup/yearling champs, big well done to our club dogs, Sail Away, Winny Skippet & Legs & Lips also congrats done to John on getting Sup Yearling with Gypsy.
Thanks Steve, Karen& Harry for being such good sports. This is what Whippet racing should be like ,[friendly rivalry & the ability for people to say well done even though they are dissapointed] [YOULL BE BACK]
Well done to Chris&Anths Trouble Spot on winning the Jack cadman & well done to Fizz on winning the pups.
yes well done the winners. elbon sioux ran brilliant john, shes coming on loads. it was nice for paul with fizz, she ran brill and it was deserved after his recent bad luck with her ill fated brother.
sounds like a good day allround with lots of good will between fellow racers, apart from pauls sad tale! seems almost unbelieveable. A great win for John with Elbon Soix, but Trouble spot winning a big one on the straights fantastic, and i thought she was better on the bends shows what I know. well done toall the winners.
What a good day out and the car ran all the way there and back!.
Enjoyed the day and congrats to Fizz and Rollo, plus the rest of the litter. Biggest thanks to Anth for all the work and help over the last few months as I've been away working
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